
Vudris the local name for Karewas in Kashmiri language.

In the Kashmiri dialect,the term Karewa means elevated table land.

Firstly, this term wasused by Godwin Austin in 1859 and later on by Lydekker in 1878forunconsolidated to semi-consolidated sand clay conglomerate sequence.

Karewas are thethick deposits of glacial clay and other materials embedded with moraines.These are unconsolidatedlacustrine deposits.Lacustrine means associated with lakes

Param Ganga: Made-in-India Petascale Supercomputer Installed at IIT Roorkee

A Made in India Petascale Supercomputer “PARAM Ganga” has been installed at IIT Roorkee on Monday by B.V.R. Mohan Reddy, Chairman, Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee. The establishment of 1.66 PFLOPS (Peta Floating-Point Operations Per Second) supercomputing at IIT Roorkee by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) has been built under the approach of the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM).

The new high-performance computational (HPC) facility would aid researchers to solve complex problems of national importance and global significance. The new HPC will serve as an essential compute Environment for the modern-day research along with their theoretical and experimental work.”

All Indians head back from Ukrainian cities

By March 8, almost all Indians were evacuated from Ukraine, under a special effort codenamed Operation Ganga, starting from February 24, when the invasion began. The last of the stranded Indians, from Sumy University, have also been evacuated to safety in neighbouring Poland, Romania etc.

This was possible with support from the Russian and Ukraine governments under the `Green Corridor’ facility they have jointly arranged.

ESA Vigil

Its the first of its kind mission, with the aim of monitoring the unpredictable and active Sun and help protect the Earth from its outbursts.

ESA Vigil will be the first of its kind. By keeping an eagle eye on the ‘side’ of the Sun, the spacecraft will stream a constant feed of near real-time data on potentially hazardous solar activity, before it rolls into view from Earth.

The mission will give us advance warning of oncoming solar storms and therefore more time to protect spacecraft in orbit, on the ground and explorers now and in the future, unshielded by Earth’s Magnetic Field and vulnerable to our star’s violent outbursts.