e-ILP Platform Launched in Manipur

The Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh established an electronic Inner Line Permit (ILP) counters


Under this portal, an individual from outside the state can apply online for Inner Line Permit and get the permit from centres after onsite verification.

The e-ILP tracking system was developed to compensate for the loopholes in the licensing process and its tracking system.

It has a comprehensive dashboard device that would actively exhibit facts such as number of people coming into the state on a precise date and time and graphical break-up based presentation of people visiting via different entry gates.

The device is additionally enabled with automatic generation of a defaulted listing of people who have overstayed past the permitted number of days as per the permit.

On 1st January 2020, the ILP system came into effect in Manipur

Assam: Most mobile theatre groups not to stage shows for 1 more year

Faced with an uncertain future in view of the prevailing Covid-19 in the state, 30 out of 35 mobiletheatregroups have decided not to stage plays for another year despite the Health departments nod to begin rehearsals.

Four theatre groups registered under the association Abahan, Itihax, Bhagyadebi and Nayantora, and one theatre group outside the association Udayan have decided to take a chance, Banking on the government allowing fully vaccinated people to attend the shows.

Usually, the pre-production work of mobile theatre groups begin in May and June. Rehearsals of the plays start in July and the groups finally go for shows from September and the journey ends in April next year.
The budget of a mobile theatre group for a year ranges from Rs 2.5 crore to Rs 3 crore.

With the passage of the Indian Stamp (Odisha Amendment) Bill, 2021 in the State Assembly on Wednesday, it will give the much-needed boost to the real estate sector, besides augmenting revenue generation of the State by way of growth in collection of direct taxes such GST, stamp duty and registration fees, etc.

As per extant provisions of Indian Stamp Act, for an agreement to sell involving delivery of possession of any immovable property or a power of attorney, authorising the person other than family members, to sell such immovable property, stamp duty of 5% is being collected on the basis of the market value of the property.

However, representations were received by the Revenue Department from various stakeholders to reduce the stamp duty on agreement to sell and power of attorney. Besides, when high stamp duty is prevalent, it encouraged a tendency to evade registration of such documents. In last seven years only 0.02% of sale agreement documents with possession of property and 0.14% of power of attorney with possession of property have been registered in Odisha.

A real estate promoter/developer requires two types of documents executed between the developer and the land owner, viz. a power of attorney giving absolute power to the developer to sell the property to the public after the development/ construction of any structural complex and development/ construction agreement with the land owner with possession of property for necessary development of land/ to construct any residential/commercial complex over the land.

The stamp duty on such documents is charged at par with sale deed i.e. 5%. Such increased financial burden is ultimately passed to the public thereby increasing the cost of the developed land and buildings. As per the amended provisions, in agreement to sell / development agreement /construction agreement involving delivery of possession and power of attorney authorizing the person other than family members to sell immovable property, stamp duty of 2% will be leviable.

When evelopment Agreement and Power of Attorney are executed between the same parties involving the same property, and 2% stamp duty is paid on Development Agreement, then only a nominal amount of Rs1,000 stamp duty will be paid on power of attorney. When power of attorney is given to family members such as father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, brother and sister to sell or transfer immovable property, stamp duty of Rs 1,000 is paid.

Through the present amendment, five more relations such as daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, grandfather and grandmother are added within the scope of family members for execution of power of attorney for sale of any immovable property within State. For certified copy of previously registered document, stamp duty has been hiked from Rs 10 to Rs 100 to augment revenue for State.

Tamil Nadu to set up state SC/ST commission

Chief minister M KStalin announced that the would set up a stateSC/ST Commissionwith statutory powers to protect the legal rights of SC/STs. The government will award villages with 10 lakh for maintaining harmony among communities and being role models for others.

To improve Education in schools run by theADTW department, theschool education departmentwill step in to provide training to the teachers and impart computer education. The state government has issued orders to set up four new special courts to try cases relating to SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, in addition to 18 existing courts. A decision has been taken to set up four new courts in Salem, Krishnagiri, Madurai and Tirunelveli due to pendency of cases. Training will be provided to Police and revenue officials to provide relief to the affected people.
The chief minister said the financial aid extended to the affected people under SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act will be enhanced to minimum of Rs 1 lakh and maximum of Rs 12 lakh

Need focus on challenges due to demographic transition: Study

Keralaneeds to focus on challenges emerging from thedemographic transitionas the strategies adopted by the state now will determine the future course of transition, says a recent study by theCentre for Socio-Economic and Environmental Studies,Kochi.
Given its early onset, demographic transition in Kerala is now at the matured stage with fertility below the replacement level, life expectancy at birth above 75 years, decadal Growth rate of Population at 5% during 2001-2011 with negative growth in two districts. The demographic advantage has created certain unique challenges for the state that are yet to be visible at the national level.

With mortality transition, Kerala experienced an obvious shift in the disease pattern from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCD) and emerged as the state experiencing the highest level of epidemiological transition in the country. Between 1990 and 2016, NCD accounts for three-fourths of the total burden of diseases in the state and thus shifted the mortality up to mid-seventies.

Given the global experience, the study highlights that there remains untapped potential in the state to postpone the age-specific mortality from degenerative diseases from the current age group of 70+ further to the advanced age group of 80+.

Kerala, with the highest proportion of elderly among all states in India, has already started recognizing the unique Health needs of elderly as a group. The study calls for further refinement in strategies targeting interventions to address the intra-group differentials in mortality to postpone the death rates to advanced ages of 80 and above. This also calls for age-sex disaggregated data across major killer diseases in the advanced age groups.

ASER Report of Karnataka

In March 2021, the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) drafted in Karnataka only this year found that the level of Learning in reading and numeracy has dropped significantly, especially in primary school classes

For the current report, Pratham surveyed 18,385 children between the age of 5 and sixteen from 13,365 households throughout 24 districts. This was accomplished before this year, the first since the COVID-19 pandemic set in.


The report mentioned that there was a mild shift in enrolment from non-public to government schools throughout all age groups.

The survey mentioned almost 12 months of learning loss amongst students throughout the State.

The decline in foundational abilities is seen throughout the basic grades, amongst students enrolled in government and as well as non-public schools.

It observed that 56.8% of class I students surveyed could not read letters.

In comparison, the 2018 record noted that 40% of class I students have been unable to read letters. This is a drop of over sixteen Percentage points.

Telangana falls short in efforts to combat climate change

At a below par score of 43/100,Telanganahas a lot left to do in terms of efforts to mitigate unfavourable climatic changes, according to a recentNiti Aayogstudy. has been put along side nine other states who have been found wanting in taking proactive measures to combat the challenge from adverse Climate events.

The scores are assigned based on a variety of criteria, including minimisingCO2emissions, effective Disaster Management systems, preparing the state to use RENEWABLE ENERGY sources and regulating Air Pollution. The NITI Aayog report on Sustainable Development Goals (Climate Action) was released this year on the values for 2020.
The nine other states with a score below 50 areRajasthan, Goa, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar bringing up the rear with a lowly score of 16.

Andhra Pradesh to launch special tourism app

State tourism minister MuttamsettiSrinivasRao announced that a dedicated mobile application would be launched to provide tourists information on destinations, hotels and special packages. Addressing a press conference.

Raoadmitted that the department suffered huge losses due to the pandemic and could achieve a revenue collection of 60croreagainst the Average of 120 crore.

State panel seeks EIA report for Pernem Ayurveda institute

The State Environment-impact-assessment”>Environment Impact Assessment Committee (SEIAC) has asked for a detailed assessment of the environmental impact of the All IndiaInstituteofAyurvedaproject coming up atDhargaliminPernemtaluka.

The project is coming up on an area of 2 lakh sqm, which is devoid of any tree cover. But as part of the project, 2,600 trees will be planted on the campus, the SEIAC has been told.
The SEIAC, however, has laid down a condition that indigenous species of trees should be planted. The project proponent has been asked to consult the Goa State Board on the choice of trees.

The institute is being setup under the Union Ayush ministry.

The SEIAC has also laid down a condition that solar panels have to be installed at the campus so that at least part of the power requirement can be met through RENEWABLE ENERGY sources. The SEIAC has also sought a contour plan of the project site.

The foundation stone for the All India Institute of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy was laid by then Ayush minister Shripad Naik in November 2018.

The first phase will be built at a cost of almost Rs 300 crore and at full capacity it will have 500 seats on offer covering different programmes.

Maharashtra nod for Rs 16 crore relief for fishermen

The state finance department has approved disbursement of Rs 15.80 crore as compensation towards the losses incurred by the fishering during the 2019 Kyarr and Maha .

The state had already approved a specialfinancial package of Rs 65.17 crorein September 2020 for thefishermenaffected by the cyclone Kyaar and Maha and the fishermen who had already been facing financial crisis due to stormy weather from August to October 2019. But with the Covid-19 crisis hitting the state soon after, only 50% of the funds had been disbursed. Now, the remaining amount too has been approved for disbursal.