Sikkim govt to provide Rs 20,000 each to all non-working mothers & free sanitary napkin to girl students: CMThe Sikkim government will give Rs 20,000 each to all non-working mothers and free sanitary napkins to all girl students of class 9 and above in the State, Chief Minister P S Tamang has said.

Under the ‘Aama Yojna’ scheme all non-working mothers in the state will receive Rs 20,000 each annually in their bank accounts, Tamang said, adding that only those whose names are in the electoral roll of the state will get the .

The CM said a sum of Rs 100 crore has been earmarked in the budget for the scheme and hoped that it will inculcate the habit of saving among non-working mothers. In the ‘Bahini’ scheme the State Government will provide free sanitary napkins to girl students studying in class 9 and above. Over 18,000 girl students study in class 9 and above in the state. The state government also plans to establish sanitary napkin vending machines in schools and also increase awareness and sensitisation programmes about menstrual Health and hygiene

1K reward for child marriage informers: Cachar admin

TheCacharDistrict Administration has announced incentives for informers on child marriage and scholarships for rescued children.

The measures were announced during a programme organised by the district child protection unit, Cachar, in collaboration withState Child Protection Society, Assam, under the aegis of the administration on Friday to mark the 8th annual child protection day.

Cachar deputy commissionerKeerthi Jallistated that those who provide information regarding child-related problems in the district will be given Rs 1,000. She also announced fixed deposits and scholarships for the children, so that they can utilise the amount for further Education after they attain 18 years.

Silchar MLA Dipayan Chakraborty promised to set up a shelter Home for children and announced one-time financial assistance of Rs 20,000 toNibedita Nari Sangstha, an NGO, on the occasion. In addition, he also promised to donate a vehicle for the prevention of human trafficking.

Odisha: Ganjam 1st among Indias districts with highest rural jobs

Ganjam, chief ministerNaveen Patnaiks Home district, has topped the charts in both the state and country in providing 100 days of EMPLOYMENT to more than one lakh families under theMGNREGA(Mahatma GandhiNational Rural Employment Guarantee Act), the flagship rural employment scheme of the Centre.

As many as 1,01,001 households have completed 100 days of employment under the MGNREGA in Ganjam until Thursday, sources said. It was followed by Barmer and Nagaur districts in Rajasthan, which provided jobs to 91,033 and 79,592 families, respectively. Andhra Pradeshs Anantapur district stood fourth by providing employment to 66,143 families, they said.

Ganjam had provided 100 days of employment to 77,275 and 46,113 households in 2020-21 and 2019-20, respectively. The district had stood first in the state in both fiscals in providing employment to most households, while it was ranked 15th and 11th in 2020-21 and 2019-20, respectively, sources said.

Ganjam has also stood first in the state in generating person-days of work (273,45,660) and making an expenditure of more than Rs 593 crore during the period, the sources added.

Credai unveils Real Estate Vision 2030 report

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (Credai) on Saturday came out with Real Estate Vision 2030, Nadu, a comprehensive report on the sector.

Minister for Housing and Urban Development S. Muthusamy released the report at Credai Fairpro 2022 event, which is happening at the Chennai Trade Centre.

The Minister launched an Insurance scheme for workers rolled out by Credai in PARTNERSHIP with Tamil Nadu Construction Workers Welfare Board. The insurance cover includes personal accident relief, educational assistance and marriage assistance.

Canal revival project may get EIA nod soon

After a delay of almost two years, authorities have managed to get the expert appraisal committee to recommend environmental impact assessment (EIA) clearance for the integrated urban regeneration & water transport system (IURWTS) project. Still, the project should get approval from theNational Board of Wildlife(NBWL) to get theEIAclearance.

It was in last month that theKerala Coastal Zone Management Authority(KCZMA) gave coastal management zone clearance for the project. The Mangalavanam bird sanctuary, which is considered as the lungs of the city, is just 670m away from the nearest project location. So, the approval from NBWL is mandatory. Once the nod from NBWL is received, the project would get the final EIA approval. As part of the project, around 5,000 trees will have to be cut down.Kochi Metro Rail Ltd(KMRL) in its report submitted before the expert appraisal committee for EIA approval states that 10 times the number of saplings would be planted to make good the loss of trees.

Around 22,000 saplings will be planted on the banks of canals and around the project facilities such as jetties. A 200kW solar plant will be constructed for meeting energy requirements for the project. The project aims at making the canals navigable besides desilting and beautifying the waterbodies. Boats will operate through the canals thereby providing cheaper and green transportation system for the public. The clean canals will help avoid many Health issues now stemming out of the canals which are highly polluted. Flood mitigation is one of the objectives of the project. Using the canal waterfront for social and economic activities for locals as well as tourists is another benefit proposed in the project.

The four sewage treatment Plants being set up as part of the project will address the waste treatment issues to a certain extent.

Economic Survey: Karnataka’s GSDP to grow by 9.5% this fiscal

Karnatakas gross state domestic product (GSDP), which had shrunk for the first time in at least a decade during 2020-21, is estimated to grow by 9. 5% (by over Rs 1-lakh-crore) to Rs 12. 5-lakhcrore for 2021-22, the Economic Survey released on Friday shows.

While advanced estimates for 2020-21 had pegged the GSDP to shrink by 2. 6% and touch Rs 11. 1-lakh-crore, revised estimates show that the economy actually shrunk by only 0. 5% and had touched Rs 11. 4-lakh-crore.

Also, in 2021-22 all sectors have shown Growth compared to the previous year that saw the industries and Services-sector”>services sector record a dip. The survey projects the Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture sector to grow by 2. 2% while growth rate for the industries and ser- vices sectors are pegged at 7. 4% and 9. 2% respectively.

The growth rate of the agricultural sector (2. 2%) has dipped compared to a much higher figure of 15. 1% last year as reported by the latest survey, and 6. 4% as per the survey released in March 2021. In fact, the overall GSDP and sectoral figures for the past four years 2020-21 to 2017-18 are different in the recent survey compared to the document released in March 2021.

The contraction in agriculture sector is attributed to a lower growth rate of crop sector to -0. 3% in 2021-22 compared to 13. 8% in 2020-21, which in turn was caused by failure of food grain production caused by the floods that affected nearly 15 lakh hectares across Karnataka.
The sector is anticipated to grow showing gradual recovery in industries, which was -5. 5% during the previous year. And, the services sector is expected to grow on account of growth in IT-related services (23% of the GSDP), which was 1. 5% during the previous year.

At current prices, ad- vanced estimates of the GSDP in nominal terms is pegged at Rs 20. 5-lakh-crore, up from Rs 17. 3-lakh-crore during the previous year. In FY 22, Karnataka is estimated to grow at a robust growth rate of 18. 4%, the survey reads.

Over half of Telangana’s wealth is in Hyderabad

The states wealth is concentrated in Hyderabad, which is a known fact, but heres how.
Hyderabad accounts for half of the states total bank deposits. The youngest state in the country has 6,11,401 crore in deposits spread across 5,442 commercial bank branches, with Hyderabad alone holding over 3 lakh crore.
However, the disparity that can be seen is that most of the districts in Telangana have deposits of less than 2,000 crore.

According to the Telangana state statistical abstract released by the state planning board recently, Hyderabad has 3,61,115 crore deposits in 1,202 commercial bank branches, followed by Medchal-Maljajgiri with 93,039 crore deposits, andRangareddywith 30,179 crore deposits.

Andhra Pradesh likely to reach 240 MU per day electricity demand by March 2023

An action plan is being implemented by the power utilities ofAndhra Pradeshto meet the expected energy demand for this March-May quarter, which is forecasted at 20,143 million units. This translates to a 5.6 per cent increase compared to 19,066 MU for the same period in 2021.

According to state officials, the utilities are preparing a long-term action plan to meet the future demand of 240 MU per day by 2023. The utilities have laid a special focus on meeting the increasing electricity demand and providing uninterrupted, quality power to consumers of all categories.

Grid officials of APTransco said the actual energy demand in February 2022 was 5,574 MU and the peak demand was 11,342 MW. It is forecasted that the Average demand in April 2022 would be 222.8 MU per day, while the demand is expected to touch around 240 MU by March-2023 with an increase of demand by 18 MU per day.

Marine interpretation centre to come up at Galgibaga soon

A nearly 200sqm mangrove andmarineinterpretationcentrewill soon be set up atGalgibagain Canacona by the conservator of forests, wildlife and eco-tourism. The proposal was recently approved by the Goa coastal zone management authority (GCZMA).

GCZMA had earlier drawn up a plan for the states four Olive Ridley turtle nesting sites in the state based on which no-take zones on these beaches were demarcated to help preserve the ECOLOGY. Only marine conservation activities are permitted in these zones.
Galgibaga and Agonda beaches in Canacona, and Morjim and Mandrem beaches in Pernem are turtle nesting sites for Olive Ridleys.

Theinterpretationcentre will help visitors understand the ecological importance of MANGROVES, turtle nesting sites and other marine life.

MahaRERA declares 407 projects lapsed in Maharashtra

Real estate regulatorMahaRERAhas declared 407 projects across the state lapsed in 2021 after their validity of registration expired. The lapsed list includes around 23 projects in the Aurangabad division alone.

As per rules, a promoter must not advertise, market, book, sell or offer for sale, or invite people to purchase any plot, apartment, or building in any of these projects.

The MahaRERA came into force on May 1, 2017.Maharashtrawas one of the few states that brought ongoing projects under the Act, the Credai officials said, adding that a majority of these 407 projects were from the pre-MahaRERA time and were classified as ongoing projects.