85% business recovery in Northeast in October with regular flights

The aviation sector in thenortheasthas taken a big leap forward amid the Covid crisis with passenger and aircraft movement registering 85% recovery. Freight transport has already reached pre-Covid levels, said official sources at the Authority of India’s (AAI) NE regional office.

Just before the outbreak of Covid-19 in India, while the number of aircraft movement in NE airports was 7,173 in February 2020, the same has gone up to 6,382 in October this year after months of no flights. During the same time, passenger footfall, which had dipped by more than half to 3.13 lakh in July 2021, has again touched over 7.04 lakh this October. In February last year, the corresponding figure was 8 lakh.

A boost in passenger air connectivity to Lilabari will ease Communication with the northeastern part ofAssamand even parts of neighbouringArunachal Pradesh.

Assam witnessed 36.8% more suicides last year than 2019

Assamlast year recorded 3,243 suicides, an Average of 8.88 daily, which was an increase of 36.8% over the previous year. More than 50% of those who took their lives were unemployed and daily wage earners, according to the latest data from the Centre.

A total of 974 unemployed people and 789 daily wage earners died by suicide during the pandemic-hit lockdown period accounting for over 54% of the total suicide victims in the state in 2020, the report showed. Out of 3,243 suicides, 2,337 were male and 906 female, it added.

There is also an increase in the number of suicides among students. About 390 committed suicides in 2020 compared to 357 in 2019. According to the latest report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), family problems accounted for 42.7% of the suicides in 2020, while love affairs also claimed 13.38% lives. Assam also saw 10 cases of mass or family suicides where 10 people lost their lives.

The suicide rate (per lakh Population) also increased from 6.9 in 2019 to 9.3 last year, the NCRB, which functions under the Union ministry of Home affairs (MHA). The national average of the rate is 11.3.

Full Tax Exemption For EVs Announced In Odisha

Full exemption of motor vehicles taxes and registration fees on electric vehicles (EVs) was announced by Odisha Government.


This move was made to encourage the rapid uptake of electric vehicles.
The Odisha Motor Vehicles Act awarded the exemption, which is valid until 2025.
In accordance with the Odisha Electric Car Policy, the State Government also proposes to provide some incentives to electric vehicle producers, customers, batteries, and charging stations.
The government has stated that battery-powered vehicles will be exempt from all motor vehicle taxes and registration expenses.
In order to entice clients, the Transportation Department filed a proposal to the government to authorize subsidies on e-vehicles.
The plan has now been approved by the government.
These incentives will not be based on battery capacity, as they are in other states such as Delhi and Gujarat.

Labour codes have the key to Tamil Nadus federalism

In the past couple of years, the Union Government has been ushering in a change in the rules governing the working conditions of people. But the new labour codes, by amalgamating existing asymmetrical labour laws, not only weaken safeguards for and entitlements of the countrys vast workforce, but also strike at one of the basic structures of theConstitution Federalism.

Since labour falls under the concurrent list of the Constitution, Parliament and state legislatures can make laws on the subject. The government of India has shifted deadlines and not fixed a date to implement theWage Code(enacted in August 2019), the Industrial Relations Code, the Code on Social Security and Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code (enacted in September 2020). The draft rules (by the Centre) for all the codes have been notified. But major industrial states like Nadu, Maharashtra, Haryana andWest Bengalare yet to frame and notify them. The rules could make a big difference, especially inTamil Naduwhere the DMK government has all along emphasised federalism and social Justice.

The buzz around federalism has made a comeback with the DMK assuming office and with it the demand for state autonomy. This is apparent especially on subjects like Education (shift from the concurrent to state List); NEET, UDAY scheme, one nation-one ration card, smart city projects and the National Food Security Act, which are perceived to be a push towards homogenisation.

The State Government must be alert about the following provisions which obfuscate the line between the Centre and states. Under the Wage Code, the Union government enjoins upon itself the power to fix a floor wage. Once fixed the state governments cannot fix minimum wage less than the floor wage. With an already low floor wage, states, to attract capital, could fix a relatively low minimum wage. The Wage Code also dispenses with the scheduled EMPLOYMENT under the Minimum Wages Act that provides state governments with the power to add any employment to the schedule for which minimum wages should be fixed. The absence of categorisation of different classes of work within the same scheduled employment could lead to skilled and semiskilled workers being paid less than the wages they received under the earlier schedule.
The Social Security Code envisages discretionary powers with the Union and state governments, which were previously either mandatory or specific under the existing laws. This discretion may result in arbitrary restrictions of coverage of schemes on the grounds of public interest and boosting Growth. The code also provides for schemes to be notified both by the Centre and the state governments, leaving the workers confused about their registration with either or both the governments to avail of their benefits.

KMRL to start vegetable farming

TheKochiMetro Rail Ltd (KMRL) has approached the Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture department with a proposal to start vegetable cultivation on 17 acres of land at Kakkanad, where the proposed Bliss city project is coming up.
The agriculture department has accepted the proposal and asked KMRL to do preparatory works like pruning of trees, cleaning wells, fencing and removing .
The land at Kakkanad has been remaining unutilized for quite some time.

KMRL has already invited tender to clear weeds in the land. As part of Women Empowerment, Kudumbashree will be entrusted with the task of cultivating vegetables in the area.

Karnataka: Clamour for equal status to Kannada and Hindi

While chief minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday reaffirmed his commitment to promote Kannada, stakeholders urged the to prevail upon the Centre to accord Official Language status toKannadaand other regional languages on a par withHindiand English.

The activists revived their demand of official status to all 23 scheduled languages in the central government administration through a constitutional amendment. They want a resolution passed in the legislature.

Meanwhile, the Kannada Development Authority (KDA) is preparing a draft of the Samagra Kannada Bhasha Masoode (Comprehensive Kannada Language Bill) envisaging a single-window agency to implement Kannada in the state administration and frame common rules for promoting it, including signages in public places and commercial establishments.

Article 343 of the Constitution states that the official language of the Union shall be Hindi along with English and theyre now being used for official purposes by the central government. Language activists want it to be amended to accommodate all scheduled languages, including Kannada. They want Article 351, which says its the duty of the Union Government to promote Hindi, to be repealed.

International Seed Conference Invites Telangana

is invited to a virtually held International seed Conference by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).


The International Seed Conference takes place over two days. It will take place in Rome on November 4 and 5, 2021.
The conference is being held to examine the seed Industry‘s progress.
Dr. Keshavulu, the Managing Director of Seed Corporation, will speak at the conference on the topic of “Quality Seed Production System: A Success Story of India: Telangana as a Seed Hub.”

RTC to introduce 100 electric buses in Andhra Pradesh

The had set an ambitious target of theAndhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation(APSRTC) converting all its fleet into electric vehicles by 2029. The RTC is going to make a head start by introducing 100electric busesbut the road is too long for it to achieve the target within the stipulated time.

The state government in itsElectric Vehicle(EV) policy document, envisaged to convert more than 11,000 buses owned by APSRTC into electric vehicles by 2029 way back in 2018 but it has taken more than three years for the RTC to make a beginning. The state government set a target to convert 100 per cent of the APSRTC fleet in the top four cities into electric by 2024 in the first phase. Achieving this target would be next to impossible with the present operating conditions of APSRTC and the support it is getting from the government, according to insiders of the corporation.

The demand for luxury buses continues to grow over the years and APSRTC is under pressure to increase buses in this segment. Without policy incentives for electric buses from central and state governments, the APSRTC is not able to acquire electric buses on its own.

Goan film Kaajro receives national award

TheGoanfilm Kaajro (Bitter Tree) won a National Award at the 67th https://exam.pscnotes.com/national-film-Awards“>National Film Awards. M Venkaiah Naidu, Honourable Vice President of India handed over the national award to Shri Rajesh Pednekar, Creative Producer of the Konkani filmKaajroat the award ceremony held atRashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

Kaajro, the film which is directed byNitin Bhaskarspeaks about the class and caste discrimination practiced in Society globally cutting across international boundaries. It is produced by de Goan Studio which is co-founded by Gayatri andRajesh R. Pednekar. This is their second feature film which has won a national award. The first film K Sera Sera (2016) also won a National award.

The film premiered in the Indian Panorama Section at the 47th IFFI (International Film Festival of India) at Goa and at several film festivals in India and internationally.

First in decade, cotton rates sustain 30% above MSP

Opening on a higher side, prices of raw continued to soar probably first time in last one decade with regions Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture produce Marketing committee (APMC) recording over Rs 8,500 per quintal.

Amid the windfall, rumours of raw cotton fetching Rs 9,500/quintal at Achalpur open market went viral in several Social Media groups on Saturday. A purported bill issued by a ginner too was attached to the social media post.

Yet the mood among farmers and other APMC members is upbeat. The rawcotton ratesnormally come down after the opening day, but this year high demand has ensured growers get nearly 30 to 40% more than the minimum support price of Rs6,025 per quintal.

On November 2, the crop committee of Cotton Association of India (CAI) would be meeting to assess the shortfall in production.