Rs 100 crore Badri cow project on anvil: Dhan Singh Rawat

The Cooperatives, Health and Education minister Dhan Singh Rawat has said that a project of Rs 100 crore would be launched to save and promote the Badri cows. He was speaking on the occasion of the launching of the website and MIS at headquarters of the State Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP) here on Thursday. After the inauguration, the minister also had a review meeting with the officers of the department.

Speaking on the occasion,the minister said that the development department has been directed to focus on the Badri cow and prepare a proposal of a Rs 100 crore project for increasing its numbers. He said that demand for the Ghee of Badri cow is increasing in the metro cities. The minister also directed the officers to focus on goat farming and encourage farmers to extract milk from goats. He said that goat milk is being sold at Rs 600 per litre in the market.

Rawat further said that the ten progressive farmers each of apple, dairy, sheep and goat farming and fishery would be sent to Kashmir (apple) Himachal Pradesh (apple), Gujarat (dairy), Goa (fishery) Andhra Pradesh (fishery), Rajasthan (goat farming) and Leh in Ladakh (goat farming) for Learning the techniques employed by the farmers there in their respective fields. He said that the registrar of cooperatives has been directed for selection of the farmers. The cost of the study tour of farmers would be borne by the ICDP.