Rajasthan converts 100% textile unit sludge into fuel by recycling

Sludge from wastewater flowing out of textile units in Rajasthan is now being treated at effluent treatment Plants and then used as fuel in cement-making units. The treated wastewater is also being reused, ensuring 100% recycling of waste of the textile units.

At least 2,625 textile units in Pali, Jodhpur, Balotra, Bithuja, Jasol, Sanganer, Bhilwara, Bagru and other places in the state have either been connected to common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) or set up their own effluent treatment plants (ETPs) to treat the wastewater that contains harmful chemicals.

In Bhilwara, all the textile units have set up their ownETP. They are also following our directions to treat wastewater with reverse osmosis (RO), which has ensured 65% to 70% of wastewater is now being reused in the units. They no longer have to discharge the wastewater with harmful chemicals into rivers and other places,