PMAY (U) progress work reviewed for better implementation

In an attempt to provide benefits of various schemes to the every people of the State, under the chairmanship of Director, Directorate of Urban Administration, Urban Development and Housing, Vijaya Jadhav an online review meeting was convened on Monday with various municipal bodies, in which the work of progress of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), DAY-NULM and Mukhyamantri Shramik Yojana was reviewed.

Jadhav expressed displeasure over the pending houses of the fourth component of 2015-16 and 2016-17 under PMAY(U) and not being achieved as per the housing construction target under the component-3 affordable housing project. It was clearly stated by her that the beneficiaries who have received the amount of the house and they have not started the construction work of the house despite getting the installment, the notice of recovery of the loan along with their names should be immediately identified by identifying such people. She said that action should be taken to recover the amount as soon as it is pasted on the notice boards of the municipal bodies. Along with this, instructions were also given to complete the half-completed house at the earliest.