Current Affairs Exam

Panel of state ministers to examine valuation of services by casinos, online gaming for GST

The government has set up a panel of state ministers for better valuation of Services ofcasinos,online gamingportal and race courses for levying goods and services tax (GST).

The seven-member panel, convened by Gujarat deputy chief minister Nitin Patel, will also examine whether any change is required in the legal provision for better means of valuation of these services.

It will also examine the administration of such valuation provisions and if an alternative means of valuation is recommended.

The panel would also look into the impact of such valuation on other similarly placed services like lottery.

The Ministry of Power has decided to establish a National Mission to promote the use of in coal-fired thermal power Plants.

Increase the level of co-firing from the current 5% to higher levels in order to have a greater share of carbon neutral power generation from thermal power plants.

Conduct R&D in boiler design to handle the higher levels of silica and alkalis in biomass pellets.

To make it easier to overcome constraints in the supply chain of bio mass pellets and agro- residue, as well as their transport to power plants.

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