Onake Obavva Jayanti Observed By Karnataka

From the year 2021, the Karnataka government has celebrated ‘Onake Obavva Jayanti’ on 11 November.


Kannada and Culture Department proposed that Onake Obavva’s birth anniversary be commemorated.

In the 18th century, Onake Obavva was a woman-soldier who fought against Hyder Ali’s army in Chitradurga.

The events will be funded by the state.

Onake Obavva was a courageous woman who fought Hyder Ali’s men with a pestle on her own.

She fought in the Karnataka kingdom of Chitradurga. Her husband worked as a watchtower guard in the Chitradurga fort.

In Karnataka, she is honored with Abbakka Rani, Kittur Chennamma, and Keladi Chennamma. She was a member of the Holayas (Chalavadi) tribe.

While protecting the fort of Chitradurga, Obavva was killed by warriors of Tipu Sultan’s father (Hyder). She fought with her ‘Onake,’ earning her the nickname ‘Onake Obavva.’