New Generation of Akash Surface-to-Air missile

The DRDO successfully flight-tested a new generation of Akash surface-to-air missiles from an integrated test range off the coast of Odisha, enhancing air defence capabilities. Compared with the original version, the new variant of Akash-NG has a slightly better range and can strike targets at a distance of about 25 kilometers. During testing, the missile demonstrated the high manoeuvrability required to eliminate rapid and agile aerial threats.

Akash is India’s first indigenously manufactured medium-range Surface-to-Air missile capable of engaging multiple targets from multiple directions.

It is capable of being launched from mobile platforms such as battle tanks or wheeled trucks. It has a kill probability of nearly 90%.

The missile is aided by an indigenously developed radar known as ‘Rajendra,’ which is capable of handling multiple targets from multiple directions in group or autonomous mode.