Current Affairs Exam

Nepal becomes founding member of International Big Cats Alliance

Nepal has become a founding member of the International Big Cats Alliance. During the launch of the alliance under Indias initiative, Minister for Energy Shakti Bahadur Basnet handed over the letter mentioning Nepal will be associated with the alliance as a founding member to Indian Minister for Forest and”>Climate Change Bhupendra Yadav

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the alliance aimed at the conservation of seven big cats namely tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar and puma. India has assured support over five years with guaranteed funding of $100 million for the alliance.

The tiger Population in Nepal reached 335 in 2022 from 121 in 2010 as a result of the government working in PARTNERSHIP with local communities, security agencies and conservation partners. Nepal successfully achieved its goal of doubling the tiger population by 2022 as per its commitment made during the first tiger summit in 2010 in St Petersburg

Turkeys First Aircraft Carrier to Host Worlds First Mainly Unmanned Air Wing

The Turkish Navy has received the TCG Anadolu, its first aircraft carrier, which is expected to house the worlds first air wing made primarily of unmanned aircraft. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan said the vessel would host many manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, with the TB3 from the Bayraktar family being the latest prototype tested on the carriers flight deck.

The TB3 is a naval drone with foldable wings designed for ship decks and short runways, while its line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight communications capabilities allow it to be operated from far away locations. The TCG Anadolu is based on Spains flagship, the Juan Carlos I, with a displacement of 27,436 tons and a top speed of about 21 knots

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