Mercer CFS Global Pension Index Survey

Mercer Consulting has released the 13th edition of the Mercer Global Pension Index, in which India has been ranked at 40th position out of 43 countries

In 2020, India was placed at 34th position out of 39 pension systems.

MCGPI is a yearly survey by Mercer Consulting to benchmark the retirement income system.

MCGPI uses three sub-indices, adequacy, sustainability and Integrity.

These are used to measure each retirement income system against more than 50 indicators.

Mercer published the Index in collaboration with CFA Institute and the Monash Centre for Financial Studies.

The MCGPI is measured among 43 countries and Iceland has the 1st position with an index value of 84.2.

Netherlands with 83.5 and Norway with 82.0 follows Iceland in the Index

The lowest position is Thailand with the index value at 40.6.