Current Affairs Exam

Keralas TPR still over 10%, a concern

Among larger states, only Keralas TPR is over 10%. For others the same is below 5%, except a few north-eastern states. TPR in Kerala remains high despite the efforts of a few local bodies, with high TPR, to test the general Population at places and families where there are no positive cases even as there is no insistence on testing contacts of infected persons or the vulnerable population.

Keralas 7-day Average TPR (as on July 6) was 10.2% while the national average stood at 2.4%. In Karnataka and Nadu, the 7-day Averages were 1.8% and 2.5%. This is a real concern, as neighbouring states were able to drastically reduce their TPR. A month ago, on June 6, Indias 7-day average TPR was 6.2%, while Keralas was 14.8%. Karnataka then had a 7-day average TPR of 11.1% and TN14%.

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