Kerala has 20.4L surplus stock of Covid vaccine

The initial trend, where the public used to rush to the Covid-19 vaccination centres but shortage of vaccine supply caused even law and order problems, seems to have been reversed.
As per the latest figures of the (till Friday), there is a stock of 20.44 lakh doses ofCovid vaccinein state.

At the same time, there are more than 12 lakh people, who are yet to turn up for availing the second dose of vaccine even after completing a month after they became eligible for the second dose.

The state has been able to make optimal use of vaccine doses since the beginning of the vaccination drive. The figures show that the wastage of Covaxin in the state is just 0.11%, while in the case of Covishield, the wastage is a negative figure (-4.76%) which would mean that it could administer Vaccines to more number of public than the allotted number of doses.

Even among the tribal Population, the vaccination figures show that 90% of those in the age group of 18-44 years and 96% of those above 45 years have been administered the first dose, while it is 44% and 70%, respectively, when it comes to the second dose.