Jharkhand fares poorly in nation-wide education survey

Jharkhandis lagging in performances in all subjects at both primary and senior level since 2017, the findings of the National Achievement Survey 2021 show.
The survey was conducted for students of Class III, V, VIII and X across the state. A total of 3,453 schools and 1,13,509 students participated in the statewide survey. The last NAS survey was done in 2017 after which it was held in 2021, the final report of which was released by the Education department recently.

The Unionministry of educationconducted the survey in schools across the state to collect data on the academic achievement and performance of students. The NAS is a system-level assessment that summarises student performance at the national, state and district levels. According to the report, there has been a decline in children’s Learning ability.

Class III, Class V, Class VIII and Class X students were divided into four sections for the survey. The survey for Classes III and V students focussed on language, mathematics and environmental science. That of Class VIII focused on math, science, english and social science, while the class X curriculum included math, science, English, social science and Modern India Language.