Current Affairs Exam

ILO Report on Domestic Workers

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) recently released its report on Domestic Workers. According to the report, only 6 % of domestic workers across the world have access to comprehensive social protection.

Report notes that, 94 per cent of the domestic workers are lacking access to full range of protections, covering medical care, old age, sickness, Unemployment, family, maternity, EMPLOYMENT injury, invalidity and survivors benefits.

Extension of effective coverage is lagging significantly behind the legal coverage.

In reality, only one-in-five domestic workers are covered in practice because majority are employed informally.

Despite their vital contribution to Society, they are supporting households with their most personal and care needs.

6 million domestic workers of the world face multiple barriers in enjoying legal coverage and effective access to social security.

They are usually excluded from national social security legislation.

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