Current Affairs Exam

IIT Madras 5G test bed for Army Training Command

The Army Training Command (ARTRAC) has announced to establish a 5G Testbed in association with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Madras.

The 5G test bed for Army Training Command will be established at Military College of Telecommunication at Mhow in Indore.

It will be used for operational use of 5G technology of Army, especially along the borders.

Under the MoU, IIT-Madras would provide consultancy, which will be duly supported by research to study feasibility and prototype development of 5G-enabled future communications.

Aim of the collaboration

ARTRAC and IIT Madras have collaborated with the aim of giving impetus to induction of systems, equipment, and devices using Niche technology. It is also aimed at using AI-based algorithms to enhance capabilities of armed forces. Collaboration will also promote collaborative and cooperative research as well as facilitate exchange of ideas for the development of new technology.

About Army Training Command

The Army Training Command is one among the seven commands of Indian Army. It is based at Shimla and was established in 1991. Its current commander is Lieutenant General SS Mahal.


ARTRAC was established on October 1, 1991 at Mhow in Madhya Pradesh. It later moved to Shimla on March 31, 1993. The command aims to maximize effectiveness of training.

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