Haryana to see more Pusa decomposer use to curb stubble burning this year

Scepticism fromfarmersabout bio-decomposers notwithstanding, they remain at the forefront of government efforts to bring down farm fires that choke Delhi-NCR at the onset of winter.

The Pusa bio-decomposer, a microbial solution, will be sprayed on at least five lakh acres of land inHaryanathis year. So far, more than 1,000 farmers in the state have filled up forms to avail of the solution. Pusa spraying in the fields is free and will begin from the first week of October. The total area under paddy coverage in Haryana is 34.1 lakh acres.

Last year, the Pusa bio-decomposer was sprayed on three lakh acres in the state. Cases of stubble burning, however, sharply increased from 4,202 in 2020 to 7,197 in 2021. Farmers havent been keen on bio-decomposers because of the time it takes to break down the crop waste, arguing that burning it is the fastest way of preparing the fields for the next crop.