Current Affairs Exam

Gujarat govt to stop allotting city space for polluting units

For the first time, a thorough guideline to strike off provisions for chemical Plants in development plans and town planning schemes of eight municipal corporations and 156 nagarpalikas will be released by the state urban development department, a few weeks after Diwali.

The state’s urban development department has already requested from the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) a list of chemical unit types, to be included in the new upcoming guidelines. These units should be producing hazardous chemicals, disposing of toxic waste, or having chimneys that vent dangerous industrial gases. Back in July last year, the Vijay Rupani government had initiated discussions in this direction.

Incentives in terms of taxes and exemptions will be provided to existing industries to shift to new designated locations outside the city. New development plans and TP schemes will ensure that no listed hazardous or units that can potentially pollute or violate provisions of Water Act, 1974; Air Act, 1981 and the″>Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 be present within the city.

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