Goas STPs utilised at just 40% of capacity: State in status report

Goas sewagetreatmentplants are being utilised at only 40% of their capacity, the state has told the Union Government.

There are nine suchplantsacross the state with a total capacity of 78.35MLD (minimal liquid discharge), but only 31.84MLD has been utilised, the state told the Centre in its status report on sewerage treatment Plants (STPs). The states urban areas generate an estimated 112 MLD.
The government also said that in areas where a sewerage Network isnt available, a septic tank/soak pit arrangement has been adopted. Many hotels and residential buildings (with 50 or more rooms/flats) have their own treatment plants, as mandated under the Town and Country Planning Act, 2010.

The government also said that Sulabh toilets have been provided for groups of houses/communities, and bio-toilets have been provided under the states open defecation-free (ODF) policy.