Goa Board plans to convert textbooks into digital format

TheGoa BoardOf Secondary And Higher Secondary Education is in the process of converting all subject textbooks into the ePub format in association with the state commissioner for persons with disabilities.

Guruprasad Pawaskar, the state commissioner for persons with disabilities, urged the Goa Board to make available the textbooks in accessible format within six months.
Subhash Phaldesai, minister for social welfare, said education is the right of every student with disabilities, and appealed to all educational institutes to take extra steps to understand the obstacles facing these students and to strive to create an inclusive Learning Environment for them.

The ePUB plaftorm is an electronic publication, a file format that is the current standard in digital publishing. EPUBs are a standardised format that can support the digitisation of traditional print books and make the best use of the flexibility of digital screens to resize, reflow and enhance text and media rich content.