Fresh module for anganwadi centres to improve nutrition

The state Education department has developed a fresh module for anganwadi centres (AWC) to improve Nutrition and Learning outcomes among children aged 3-5 years from the next academic session.

The Rajasthan State Council of Educational Research & Training (RSCERT) developed a manual that says every AWC will have at least one teacher with a certificate or a diploma course in nutrition.

The state has 60,000 AWCs that are responsible for the healthcare and early childhood education of children.

The manual says Health check-ups of children will take place digitally to maintain records and allow the central data centre monitor real-time data.

The purpose is to provide real-time help or intervention required by children of the centre. Otherwise, the health check-ups maintained manually take weeks to reach even the district authorities.

The curriculum of early childhood is going to see learning based on the activities and concepts. The idea is to introduce children to an understanding of colours, family, animals and things around them.