The Union Minister inaugurated India’s first LNG facility in Nagpur, Maharashtra. Baidyanath Ayurvedic Group (private sector) has established the country’s first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility plant on Kamptee Road, near the Nagpur-Jabalpur Highway.
About Liquified Natural Gas (LNG):
LNG is a clear, colourless, non-toxic liquid formed by cooling natural gas to -162oC (-260oF).
The cooling process reduces the volume of the gas by 600 times, making storage and shipping easier and safer.LNG will not burn when it is liquid.
When LNG arrives at its destination, it is converted back into a gas at regasification Plants.
It is then piped to homes, businesses, and industries to be burned for heat or electricity generation.
LNG is also becoming a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly transportation fuel, particularly for shipping and heavy-duty road transport.
It has the potential to reduce costs while also creating numerous job opportunities.
LNG is the fuel of the future, and it will transform the transportation Industry.