Dharwad poised to be a major industrial cluster in Karnataka

The has embarked upon a new Industrial Policy which is focusing on development of the Bengaluru-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. This corridor passes through Dharwad. As the district has ample scope for major players to set up their Plants here, 5,200 acres of land is being acquired for the purpose.

With this, Dharwad will be redesigned as one of the biggest industrial clusters and would open abundant opportunities for youth to get EMPLOYMENT.

Meanwhile, AequsSEZPrivate Limited is developing a Consumer Electronics and Durable Goods (CEDG) cluster on 350 acres in Itigatti-Gamanagatti area between Hubballi and Dharwad, with an Investment of Rs 3,524 crore, and will create around 20,000 jobs.
The cluster has the status of a Special Economic Zone and provides plug-and-play Infrastructure to other companies, both domestic and foreign.

Apart from concessions and subsidies in the new industrial policy and SEZ norms, the state government has extended more benefits to Aequs, such as 25% capital investment subsidy and 20% for other companies investing there, besides deferring payment for land.