Chief Minister Hemant Soren, on Wednesday, interacting with the MPs and MLAs of North Chhotanagpur Division through video conferencing here on Wednesday said that the Government is setting up oxygen banks in all districts and oxygen plants in Sadar Hospitals.

He said the Government is putting in all efforts to fill the gap of manpower in Health institutions with the help of available Resources.

The CM said the Government is serious about treatment of those infected or those who are found to have signs of infection in rural areas. In this connection, five lakh medicine kits are being provided to Anganwadi centers. Oximeters will also be available in Anganwadi centres, which people can take advantage of.

In this connection, the problems of people are being addressed through toll free numbers at the State level. Hospitals are well equipped with oxygenated beds, ventilators, ICUs and Oxygen cylinders. Oxygen cylinders are available in 24 hours emergency for hospitals through Sanjeevani vehicle. Through the Amrit Vahini App, information and booking of beds, online medical consultation and many other facilities have been provided.

At the same time, oxygenated beds are being provided to the infected through the Covid circuit. Apart from this, the process of setting up oxygen Plants is going on in all the Sadar hospitals. Besides, the government has also decided to set up an oxygen bank in all the districts. Soren said the Government is providing Insurance of 50 lakhs to all health workers including doctors, nurses working as front line workers. Apart from this, the government has stepped up efforts to pay the pending insurance amount for the health workers who have died due to corona.