Chief Justice of India Ramana

Nuthalapati Venkata Ramana was appointed Chief Justice of India. Chief Justice of India:

The Chief Justice of India (CJI) is the supreme head of the Indian Judiciary System.

The Chief Justice is the head of The Supreme Court, responsible for case allocation and appointment of the constitutional body that handles important legal matters. Article 145 of the Constitution deals with the Chief Justice of India the right to assign related matters to the judges.

The Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) released the “Consumer Confidence Survey” report. The survey was conducted among more than 5,000 respondents in major cities in the country.

The consumer confidence index dropped from 55.5 points in January 2021 to 53.1 points in March 2021. The future expectation will fall from 117.1 in January 2021 to 108.8 in March 2021. When the index measurement is higher than 100, it means optimism, and when it is lower than 100, it means pessimistic.