Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday virtually launched a Rs 20 crore Aromatic Kondanar project to promote aromatic crops in Kondagaon district. A MoU was signed on the occasion.

Covering 2,000 acres of land, a farmers cluster will form an Aroma Hub and cultivate seven species of aromatic Plants: Lemon grass, Palmorosa, Patchouli (mint), Munga, Amadi (mango ginger), Vetiver (khus) and Basil, an official Communication said.

The aromatic crop will be processed at the essential oil processing unit to be established at Kondagaon. It is estimated that farmers linked with the aromatic crop will annually earn Rs 1 lakh per acre. The land identified for the project includes 425 acres of individual land and 1,575 acres of Forest Department land.

The project estimates that 200 families will get direct and 750 families indirect benefit from the aromatic crop.

In addition, inter- of cashew nut, coconut, litchi, and custard apples will be done.

The Kondagaon District Administration and Sun Flag Agro Pvt Ltd signed the MoU to establish a processing plant with a capacity of 5,000 tonnes.