As many as 100 government elementary schools have been approved by the government under the Swaran Jayanti Gyanodaya Cluster Shrestha Vidayalaya Scheme for improving the quality of Education so that the students and parents could repose confidence in these.
Under the scheme, a budgetary provision of Rs 15 crore, (Rs 15 lakh per school) has been made for 2021-22 for providing the improved
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toilets, electricity, library, better drinking water facilities, adequate and smart classrooms,
Sports facilities and furniture.
Financial limits have been fixed for each component and Rs 8 lakh has been earmarked for the school
campus development, need-based constructions, renovations and renovation of buildings, toilets, water supply, electricity and fans, playground, boundary walls, lawns, benches, open air gym, stage, waste disposal, botanic garden, Environment-friendly features and solar Light panels.
Cluster schools will be permitted to spend Rs 1.50 lakh on items for cultural programmes, dress, , band and public address system.
A provision of Rs 1.25 lakh per school has been made for thermal scanners, pulse oximeters, material for sanitisation and other activities to combat Covid and Rs 75,000 for procurement and upgrade of sports equipment.