Now Nyay to landless agriculture labourers

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will on February 3 launch a Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Bhumiheen Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana at a function to be held at the Science College Ground here.

In the function, the first installment of Rs 6,000 per family annually will be released directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. Two more installments will be released later. Already, a budgetary allocation of Rs 200 crore has been made.

According to Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, the scheme is being launched as per the advice of Rahul Gandhi.

The scheme has been envisaged for labourers not holding any land. It will be the first of its kind in the country for landless labourers.

Nearly 356,485 eligible families will be benefitted under the scheme.

Chhattisgarh’s Central University signs MoU with Bihar’s Nava Nalanda University for academic exchange Guru

Biharregistered 1,800 deaths, the second highest in the country, due to foggy and misty weather conditions in 2021, as per the latest report on ‘Road Accidents in India 2021’ released by the ministry of road transport and highways. Uttar Pradesh was on top with 3,782 fatalities due to similar reasons.

Patna alone recorded 56 deaths due to fog, out of the 210 road fatalities in 2021.
Altogether 7,660 people died across the country in 2021 road accidents, including 1,604 during rain, while 2,085 accidents took place in which 1,562 people were grievously injured and 80 received minor injuries. The maximum deaths were reported on highways, including 3,517 on NHs and 1,747 on state highways. As per the report, 1,100 people died in hit-and-run incidents and 1,398 in head-on collisions between vehicles.

In Bihar, 2,284 persons died due to over-speed, followed by 903 due to driving from wrong side and 92 while using mobile phones while driving vehicles.

Cgarhs Vaidyas to share knowledge with MP varsity

Experts from the Traditional Vanaushadhi Skilled Vaidya Sangh in Chhattisgarh will provide guidance and cooperation in running the country’s first Centre of Studies in Indigenous Knowledge at Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.

A MoU has been signed between Vaidya Sangh and the University.

The Centre has been started in Sagar to provide the scientific validity of traditional knowledge-based medicinal system and conservation, promotion and development of rare and endangered species of forest medicinal Plants.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and Forest Minister Mohammad Akbar have congratulated the Vaidya Sangh for the achievement.

Lok Swastha Parampara Samwardhan Abhiyaan Bharat, National Coordinator Vaidya, Nirmal Awasthi, said the Centre will operate with Central government assistance.

Vaidyas from tribal-dominated Kanker and Kondagaon areas possess information regarding successful treatment of lumps and oral cancer.

Govts ambitious scheme for girls

The Mukhyamatri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana is an ambitious scheme of the Chhattisgarh government in which Rs 20,000 is credited directly in the bank account of girls from workers’ families for self-EMPLOYMENT and higher Education.

So far 8,262 daughters of construction workers have benefited under the scheme. A total of Rs 16.52 crore has been transferred to the accounts of the girls, an official Communication said.

Tribal cultural carnival begins in Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarhis now soaked in a festive fervor as the three-day-long “National Tribal Dance Festival” kicks off in the state capital. Tribal dancers from across the country and seven different nations are showcasing their unique culture and tradition, making it a majortribal cultural carnival.

The colorful fest began at the Science College Ground here on Thursday with the tribal leader and Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren declaring open the second edition of “National Tribal Dance Festival” and “Rajyotsav 2021”. This was followed by a very colorful march past by all participating teams.

In the competition held on harvest-Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture and other traditional disciplines, dancers from Chhattisgarh gave an eye-catching performance on Karma dance, Uttarakhand on Jhinjhi Hanna dance, on Gusadi-Dimsa dance, Jharkhand on Oraon dance, and Gujarat on Siddi Goma dance.

Chhattisgarh: Tribal department seeks improvement in sports facilities

After reviewing 19 Sports complexes operated in the state,tribaldepartment commissioner has instructed officers on the improvement of facilities and the system in all sports complexes run by the tribal department.

There are a total of 19 sports complexes that are being operated in the 16 districts under the department. A total of 100-1900 seat availability are sanctioned in each of these complexes. Students associated with the complex are provided a complete sports dress of Rs. 3,000 once a year. The dress includes a pair of tracksuits, a pair of sports or warm-up shoes, two pairs of socks, and two pairs of sports clothing.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday said that with expansion of sports facilities, it should be kept in mind that all the sports activities should not be confined to the cities only.

Rs Rs Need of the hour is to keep Sports culture alive in villages, the CM remarked while addressing the virtual bhoomi pujan and inauguration of new sports facilities in Bilaspur and Raipur at cost of Rs 42.14 crore. It includes academies for football, kabaddi, archery and athletics, two sports hostels, an archery training sub-centre and synthetic track-field for athletics.

He said that the state-level selection of players for Athletics, Archery and Hockey Academy in Bilaspur would be held on October 11, 12 and 13, an official statement said.

The Chief Minister further said that the rural talents should get the benefits of sports academies, good playgrounds, good coaches and sports .

He further said that there will be no shortage of funds to expand sports facilities in the state including in rural areas. Chhattisgarh Sports Development Authority has been constituted to work on improving sports facilities.

Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitan Club scheme has been started and 13,269 Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitan Clubs are being formed in the state. Along with promoting cultural and sports activities through these clubs, Leadership capacity will also be developed among the youth.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said the state is of farmers, tribes, labourers and toiling masses. He was addressing the Pragati Path organized by a private news channel at Raipur.

Everyone enhanced their culture and worked hard to preserve it. This has become the identity of Chhattisgarhi culture. The government has worked to take it forward, he said.

He said a prominent place has been given to the Chhattisgarhi cuisine. Now it is available in Garh Kaleva outlets. Chhattisgarh Olympics, the state’s traditional Sports event, was organized.

State adopting organic farming to counter climate change: CM

Chhattisgarhchief ministerBhupesh Baghelon the occasion of AkshayTrityaand ‘Mati Pujan Tihar’ said that the state has started taking sincere measures to deal with and similar environmental issues by promoting Organic Farming and encouraging scientific farming. CMBaghelattended events with farmers at Indira Gandhi Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture University and drove a tractor in the varsity, where organic farming is done.
Baghel participated in farming activities on Tuesday with an intent to promote the culture and agriculture of Chhattisgarh.
CM vowed to protect the land and Soil of the state by using maximum organic fertiliser in fields, gardens and farms, and prevent using chemicals that pollute soil, water table and Environment.