As the country battles the second wave of coronavirus, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has focused on maintaining continuity of employment for people of the state, both in cities and villages. The government has directed the authorities concerned to provide speedy approval to investment proposals to create job avenues for the urban population while offering jobs under MNREGA and other schemes to the rural population to avert large-scale unemployment, which was witnessed last year.

The has decided to set up a number of industrial and IT parks to create job opportunities for the youth on a massive scale. Decks have been cleared for the setting up of industrial parks in Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Kanpur, Agra, Moradabad and Azamgarh. Lands have already been identified for the parks in these districts so that willing investors could get land at reasonable rates. Apart from this, the government will start building IT parks in Bareilly, Lucknow, Aligarh and Saharanpur from next month. An IT park will provide EMPLOYMENT for at least 5,000 youths.

Besides, the state government is trying to ensure continuous supply of raw materials to small industries so that their production did not get interrupted and authorities have been directed to ensure smooth functioning of industries to avoid shutting down of units leading to Unemployment.