Current Affairs Exam

All schools to have headmasters soon: Bihar education minister

With a view to ensuring regular classes and enforcing discipline among the students, the has decided to appoint regularheadmastersin all the schools.

The minister also pointed out that the government had decided to set up at least one +2 school in every panchayat with a view to promoting Education, especially among girls, in rural areas.
Meanwhile, the Bihar State Higher Education Council (BSHEC) has constituted four committees that can suggest ways for bringing the much-needed reforms to ensure qualitative improvement in higher education. According to a notification issued by the education department on Monday, BSHECs vice-chairman, Kameshwar Jha, has been authorized to coordinate the activities of the committees and ensure implementation of their recommendations.

The academic reforms committee will help prepare the states higher education plan and provide inputs to the council for smooth functioning of universities and research institutions. It will also undertake a comprehensive study on the states higher education system and submit an annual report for its improvement. Besides, it will suggest measures for implementation of the semester and choice-based credit systems. The NAAC committee will assess the baseline of all the institutions of higher education in the state and ensure their assessment and accreditation. The quality assurance committee, on the other hand, will suggest steps for stimulating the academic Environment for improvement in Learning and research. The fourth committee will suggest policy measures and prepare the road map for implementation of the NEP.

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