Current Affairs Exam

50k schoolchildren to be involvedin seed bombing for natures sake

The state awaits a massive seed bombing thismonsoonas hundreds of schoolchildren are being trained to make seed bombs in a bid to fightglobal warmingand increase greenery in a state which was left with just 9% of green cover after Jharkhand was carved out of it in November 2000.

Seed bombing is a technique of introducing vegetation by throwing or dropping seed balls on the barren land or at places which require plantation. The children are being trained under the supervision of Tarumitra, a nationwide students organisation to promote ecological sensitivity about environmental conservation.

As part of this unique green campaign, the schoolchildren in groups are being trained on ways to collect seeds of the Plants, how to fill them inside balls of fertile and let them dry up before bombing them along the riverbanks, barren sites, roads, RAILWAY tracks and the hills with little vegetation. The students have been advised to throw the seed bombs once the rainy season starts since it increases the chances of their quick germination owing to availability of moisture in the Atmosphere.

Biharwas left with a paltry 9% of green cover as almost all the forest areas fell in newly carved Jharkhand after its bifurcation. Thanks to the extensive afforestation drive over the years, the states green cover has now reached 15%, but the State Government now wants to further bring it to 17%.

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