5-point Reform agenda for FCI

On the 58thFoundation Day of (Fci), the food Minister Shri Piyush Goyal released a 5-point reform agenda for FCI. It is also called 5 Sutras. The agenda aims to improve FCI and its progress.

To change the public perception of FCI. Currently the public see the FCI as inefficient and corrupt. This perception will now be converted to inclusive, dynamic and honest entity.

To focus on end to end tech solutions. This includes everything starting from procurement to delivery. This is to be achieved by reducing PDS response time and efficient tracking of the food grains. Ultimately, this will result in leakage free operational efficient system.

To establish grievance redressal mechanism. This will help in reducing the reaction time to a problem. Also, it will help in addressing the issues of farmer producer organization, especially those in high distress. This is to be achieved through Jan Jagrukta programmes.

To plan and create modern Infrastructure and Logistics. It will upgrade the warehouses to international standards. The agenda includes increasing the storage capacity for power, Network facility and CCTV.

It will increase the global practices and make India as Food Hub.