3 NE states at bottom of school education performance index

ThePerformance Grading Indexfor 2021-22 prepared by the Centre that ranks states on the status of the school Education has flagged the countrys three bottom states (Akanshi-3 grade) Arunachal Pradesh,MeghalayaandMizoramto put more effort to reach the top slot.

The index is aimed to propel states and UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventions to bring about the much-desired optimal education outcomes that is based upon five categories Learning outcomes and quality, access, and facilities, Equity and Governance processes.

The highest achievable grade is called Daksh, which is for a scoring of more than 90% of the grade range and the lowest grade Akanshi-3 is for scores up to 10% grade range. None of the states and UTs has attained the top five grades Daksh (91%-100%), Utkarsh (81%-90%), Atti-Uttam (71%-80%), Uttam (61%-70%) and Prachesta-1 (51%-60%).

In 2021-22, only two states and UTs, Punjab and Chandigarh, are at the top, both attaining Grade Prachesta -2 (41%-50%).

Six states/UTs are in grade Prachesta-3 (31%-40%), 13 states/UTs in grade Akanshi -1 (21% to 30%), 12 in grade Akanshi – 2 (11% to 20%) and three (all from NE) are in grade Akanshi 3 (Up to 10%). The remaining four NE statesAssam, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura are just one notch above the bottom in Akanshi 2 grade.
The report published on Friday stated that the maximum and minimum scores obtained by the states and UTs in 2021-22 are 659.01 and 420.64 respectively and deviation is 238.37 or 23.8% of the maximum points.