1,252 schools, 113 hospitals in Kerala exposed to floods: Data

A Probability chart of the number of schools and hospitals in the state that are exposed to floods has found that 1,252 schools and 113 hospitals are exposed to floods, having a flood return probability of once in 10 years. The data was prepared by theKeralastate Disaster Management authority (KSDMA) in association with theUnited Nations Environment Program(UNEP).

The maps are relevant in the wake of a recent report by theIntergovernmental Panelon https://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate Change (IPCC) that has predicted serious Impact Of Climate Change on the state and the unpredictable climatic patterns seen in the state’s climate cycle in recent years, especially since 2018.

As per data,Alappuzhahas the highest probability of flood returns in the once in 10-year category, with 12 hospitals and 237 schools exposed to floods, while the number is the least in Wayanad and Palakkad, where there are no hospitals and only nine schools and one hospital and seven schools, respectively, in this category.

The chart has been prepared both based on historical data available and also based on climate change scenarios. As per historical data, there are six hospitals and 132 schools in Alappuzha that would come under the flood return probability of once in 10 years. In Wayanad and Palakkad there are only four schools in this category.