Highlights of cisf Exam 2024

Highlights of CISF Exam 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Nationality: Candidates must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:

Educational Qualification:

Physical Standards:

Medical Standards: Candidates must be medically fit as per the standards prescribed by the CISF.

Exam Pattern

Constable (GD)

Sub Inspector (Exe)

Exam Syllabus

Constable (GD)

Subject Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning Analogies, Similarities and Differences, Space Visualization, Problem Solving, Analytical Reasoning, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Numerical Operations, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Aptitude Number Systems, Simplification, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Average, Interest, Data Interpretation
General Awareness Current Events, History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science, Culture, Sports
Hindi Language Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases
English Language Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases

Sub Inspector (Exe)

Subject Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning Analogies, Similarities and Differences, Space Visualization, Problem Solving, Analytical Reasoning, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Numerical Operations, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude Number Systems, Simplification, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Average, Interest, Data Interpretation
English Language Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Composition, Letter Writing, Essay Writing
General Awareness Current Events, History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science, Culture, Sports
Current Affairs National and International Current Events
Law and Order Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Evidence Act, Police Act, Disaster Management
Computer Proficiency Basic Computer Operations, MS Office, Internet, Networking

Important Dates

Event Date
Notification Release To be announced
Online Application To be announced
Last Date to Apply To be announced
Admit Card Release To be announced
Exam Date To be announced
Result Declaration To be announced

Preparation Tips

Selection Process

Salary and Benefits

Job Profile

Important Websites

Tips for Success


The CISF Exam is a challenging but rewarding opportunity for aspiring security professionals. By following the above guidelines and preparation tips, candidates can increase their chances of success and secure a fulfilling career in the CISF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the age limit for the CISF exam?

The age limit varies depending on the post. For Constable (GD), it’s 18 to 25 years, while for Sub Inspector (Exe), it’s 21 to 25 years. Relaxation is available for reserved categories as per government norms.

2. What is the educational qualification required for the CISF exam?

For Constable (GD), you need to be a 10th pass from a recognized board. For Sub Inspector (Exe), a graduate degree from a recognized university is required.

3. What is the exam pattern for the CISF exam?

The exam pattern differs for Constable (GD) and Sub Inspector (Exe). Both involve a Computer Based Exam (CBT) followed by Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), and Medical Examination. Sub Inspector (Exe) also includes an interview.

4. What are the subjects covered in the CISF exam?

The subjects covered in the CBT include General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General Awareness, Hindi Language, English Language (for Constable (GD)), and additional subjects like Law and Order, Computer Proficiency for Sub Inspector (Exe).

5. How can I prepare for the CISF exam?

Start early, know the syllabus, refer to good study materials, practice regularly, focus on weak areas, stay updated with current affairs, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

6. What is the selection process for the CISF exam?

The selection process involves clearing the CBT, PET, PST, Medical Examination, and an interview for Sub Inspector (Exe).

7. What is the salary and benefits offered by the CISF?

The starting salary varies depending on the post. Constable (GD) earns around ₹25,000 per month, while Sub Inspector (Exe) earns around ₹40,000 per month. Benefits include accommodation, medical facilities, provident fund, gratuity, leave encashment, and insurance.

8. What is the job profile of a CISF personnel?

Constable (GD) performs security duties at airports, industrial units, and other vital installations, while Sub Inspector (Exe) supervises and manages security personnel, investigates security breaches, and trains and develops security personnel.

9. What are the important websites for the CISF exam?

The official CISF website is, and the recruitment website is

10. What are some tips for success in the CISF exam?

Stay focused, manage your time effectively, stay positive, and believe in yourself.

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