Assam TET Exam

Admit Card for assam tet Exam 2024

The Assam Teacher Eligibility test (TET) is a state-level examination conducted by the Assam Commission (Apsc) for the recruitment of teachers in government and aided schools in Assam. The TET is conducted every year in two phases, the first phase for the recruitment of teachers for classes I to V and the second phase for the recruitment of teachers for classes VI to VIII.

The admit card for the ASSAM TET 2024 will be released online on the official website of the APSC. The admit card will contain the candidate’s name, roll number, date of birth, exam date, exam time, exam venue, and other important details. The admit card is a mandatory document for appearing for the exam and candidates must carry it along with them to the exam centre.

The admit card for the Assam TET 2024 will be released in the month of January 2024. Candidates can download their admit card from the official website of the APSC. The admit card will be available in PDF format and candidates can print it out for future reference.

The admit card for the Assam TET 2024 will contain the following details:

Candidates must check their admit card carefully before appearing for the exam. If there is any discrepancy in the admit card, candidates must contact the APSC immediately.

The admit card for the Assam TET 2024 will be valid only for the exam date and time mentioned on the admit card. Candidates must not appear for the exam on any other date or time.

Candidates must carry their admit card along with them to the exam centre. The admit card will be checked at the entrance of the exam centre and candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam centre without the admit card.

Candidates must not make any changes to their admit card. If any changes are made to the admit card, the admit card will be considered invalid and the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

Candidates must keep their admit card safe and secure. They must not lose their admit card. If the admit card is lost, candidates must contact the APSC immediately.

The admit card for the Assam TET 2024 is an important document and candidates must take all necessary precautions to keep it safe and secure.

What is the Assam TET Exam?

The Assam Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is a state-level examination conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) for the recruitment of teachers in government and private schools in Assam.

Who can apply for the Assam TET Exam?

Any Indian citizen who has passed the Higher Secondary Examination (12th standard) or equivalent examination from a recognized board is eligible to apply for the Assam TET Exam.

What are the eligibility criteria for the Assam TET Exam?

The eligibility criteria for the Assam TET Exam are as follows:

What are the subjects in the Assam TET Exam?

The Assam TET Exam consists of two papers: Paper I and Paper II.

Paper I is of 100 marks and is compulsory for all candidates. It consists of questions on Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Paper II is of 100 marks and is optional for candidates who wish to teach in primary schools. It consists of questions on Language and Literature.

What is the syllabus for the Assam TET Exam?

The syllabus for the Assam TET Exam is as follows:

Paper I:

Paper II:

What is the pattern of the Assam TET Exam?

The Assam TET Exam is a pen-and-paper based examination. The duration of Paper I is 2 hours and 30 minutes, while the duration of Paper II is 2 hours.

Paper I consists of 50 multiple choice questions (MCQs), each carrying 2 marks. Paper II consists of 50 multiple choice questions (MCQs), each carrying 2 marks, and 50 short answer questions (SAQs), each carrying 3 marks.

What is the marking scheme for the Assam TET Exam?

The marking scheme for the Assam TET Exam is as follows:

What is the pass Percentage for the Assam TET Exam?

The pass percentage for the Assam TET Exam is 60%.

What are the benefits of clearing the Assam TET Exam?

The benefits of clearing the Assam TET Exam are as follows:

How to prepare for the Assam TET Exam?

The following are some tips for preparing for the Assam TET Exam:

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