Laboratory method of preparation acetic acid

Laboratory method of preparation acetic acid Ethanoic Acid (Acetic acid – CH COOH) Ethanoic acid is the second member of the homologous series of carboxylic acids. In other words, vinegar contains about 5 to 8% acetic acid. We will now describe two methods for the manufacture of ethanoic acid. In the first method, ethanoic acid … Read more

Corossion of metals

Corrosion is defined as an attack on a material as a result of chemical, frequently electrochemical reaction, with the surrounding medium. According to this definition, the term corrosion can be applied to all materials, including non-metals. But in practice, the word corrosion is mainly used in Conjunction with metallic materials. Why do metals corrode? Apart … Read more

Diseases – Communicable diseases, Endemic diseases

Diseases – Communicable diseases, Endemic diseases Top 10 Causes of Death (Source: WHO World Health Statistics 2012) Ischemic heart disease 12 % Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 11% Stroke 9% Diarrheal disease 6% Lower respiratory infections 5% Preterm birth complications 4% Tuberculosis 3% Self-inflicted injuries 3% Falls 3% Road injuries 2% Communicable diseases Communicable diseases continue … Read more

Assam: Trade and Commerce

Assam: Trade and Commerce:- As Assam is the gateway of north-eastern India, the trade links of all the States like Meghalaya, Manipur , Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Tripura with the rest of the countries are though Assam. Their trade is mostly conducted through the markets of Assam. So out of all the commodities which … Read more

Assam Tax and economic reforms

Assam  Tax and Economic Reforms:- Assam is located in the northeast of India. The state Shares its borders with Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura and West Bengal. The state shares international borders with Bangladesh and the Kingdom of Bhutan. Assam is India’s gateway to Northeast India and acts as a vital link for … Read more

Assam Schemes and Projects

Assam  Schemes and Projects:- SVAYEM (Swami Vivekananda Assam Youth Empowerment) Yojana:- Under this programme, one lakh youth will be provided suitable credit support for taking up income generating enterprises. The loan amount will be up to Rs. 1 Lakh for the new business and up to Rs. 2 Lakh for the existing entrepreneurs. State Government … Read more

Assam Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Assam PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy Basic Understanding of Public Finance Public finance as a concept may be understood on two levels – as a practical activity of all components of Public Administration and As a theoretical area. The term “public finance“ may be defined as the identification of specific financial relationships and functions running between public … Read more

Assam Planned development

Assam  Planned development:- On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end proverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new Sustainable Development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. Assam is among the first states in the country to … Read more

Assam Human Development Index

Assam Human Development index Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. In all this, economic Growth is an important means to human development, but not … Read more

Assam Food security

Assam  Food Security:- Security of food, in simplest terminology, implies adequate intake of food by every individual without any difficulty or anxiety. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 recognised right to food as a core element of an adequate standard ofliving. Following this, and more specially from world food crisis of 1972-74, food … Read more

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