World Distribution Of Bauxite

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World Distribution of bauxite

The important bauxite producers are (their Percentage in world’s production is given in bracket): Australia (31.34%), China (18.41%), Brazil (13.93%), Guinea (8.36%), Jamaica (3.98%), Russia (1.64%), Venezuela (2.39%), Surinam (1.99%), Kazakhstan (2.44%), Greece (1.09%), Guyana (0.60%) and Vietnam (0.01%).

Australia is the largest producer of bauxite in the world. It accounts for 31.34 per cent of the world’s production of bauxite and also has about 40 per cent of the bauxite reserves. The Cape York Peninsula, New South Wales and Western Australia are the main bauxite-producing provinces.

China accounts for 18.41 per cent of the world’s total bauxite production and ranks second in production. Hunan, Guichou and Sichuan are the main bauxite mining provinces.  

Brazil is the third largest producer of bauxite in the world and contributes 13.93 per cent to world production. The central region is the main producing area.  

India ranks 4th in bauxite production in the world and produces 11 per cent of the world production in 2009. Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat are the major producers of bauxite.  Guinea produces more than 8 per cent bauxite of the world and ranks 5th in the world.  

Jamaica is also a leading producer of bauxite, contributing about 4 per cent of the world’s output. Jamaica is also having large reserves of bauxite.  The other bauxite-producing countries are Venezuela, Surinam, Kazakhstan, USA, Greece, Guyana, Indonesia, Hungary, France, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, British Guiana, etc.

World Distribution of coal reserves



China ranks first in the world in coal production. Nearly 38 per cent of world’s coal output is from China. All types of coal are found, including anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite. Although coal occurs in every province of China, but its greatest concentration is in Shanxi and Shaanxi (Shansi and Shensi).



The United States of America is the second largest producer of coal in the world. It produces about 17 per cent coal of the world.


India is the third largest coal-producing country in the world. Its production is 7.2 per cent of the total world production of coal.

Practically 97 per cent of the coal supplies of India are derived from the Gondwana rocks. Among the states, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and West Bengal are the main producers of coal.


Australia ranks 4th in coal production in the world and its contribution in world’s production is 6 per cent. In 2007, it produced 251 million metric tons of coal. The largest coal producer in Australia is New South Wales, which contributes more than half of the Australian production.  The other notable coal-producing regions are Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania. Both bituminous coal and lignite are produced in Australia.


Russia is the fifth largest coal-producing country of the world. Its share in world production is 5 per cent. The main coal-producing areas are Kuznestsk basin, Ural-region, Moscow-Tula region, Pechora basin, Eastern Siberia and Northern Siberia.  Kuznestsk basin is a coal region of southern Siberia and produces about 25 per cent of the country’s bituminous coal.


Poland is now an important coal-producing country not only of Europe but also of the world and ranks 9th in the world. It produces 2.5 per cent of the world’s coal output. The major coalfields of Poland are Upper Silesia, Krakuw and Dombrawa. Anthracite coal is mined in Walbrzych of Oder basin.


Germany is another main coal-producing country of Europe. Ruhr, Saar, Sexony and Silesia are the main coalfields of Germany.  The Ruhr Region is having good quality of coking coal. The coal belt of this region is 65 km long and 16 km wide and it extends in the east and west of Ruhr. Saar Region is having bituminous coalfields. Its main deposits are in Rhineland. Saxony Coalfield is located in eastern part of Germany. Halle, Magdeburg and Leapzig are the main coalfields.


Kazakhstan is now considered to be an important coal-producing country. This country is believed to have huge reserves of unexploited coal. It is now the 9th largest coal-producing country in the world.



Bauxite is an Ore that is the main source of aluminum. It is a soft, earthy rock that is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The world’s largest bauxite deposits are located in Australia, China, Brazil, Guinea, and India.

Bauxite is mined by open-pit or underground methods. The ore is then crushed and ground into a fine powder. The powder is then mixed with water and chemicals to extract the aluminum oxide. The aluminum oxide is then heated to produce aluminum Metal.

Aluminum is a lightweight, strong metal that is used in a variety of products, including cars, airplanes, buildings, and appliances. It is also used in the production of aluminum foil and aluminum cans.

The global bauxite market is expected to grow at a compound annual Growth rate (CAGR) of 2.5% from 2020 to 2025. The growth of the market is being driven by the increasing demand for aluminum from the construction, automotive, and packaging industries.

The key players in the global bauxite market are Alcoa Corporation, Rio Tinto Group, BHP Billiton, Vale SA, and Glencore Plc. These companies are engaged in the mining, processing, and Marketing of bauxite.

The bauxite market is facing a number of challenges, including the rising cost of production, the environmental impact of mining, and the competition from other materials, such as steel and plastic. However, the market also offers a number of opportunities, such as the growth of the aluminum Industry in emerging markets.

Bauxite research is focused on developing new methods to extract aluminum oxide from bauxite, as well as on developing new uses for aluminum. Bauxite technology is also being developed to improve the efficiency of bauxite mining and processing.

The environmental impact of bauxite mining is a major concern. Bauxite mining can cause deforestation, Soil erosion, and Water Pollution. The mining industry is working to reduce the environmental impact of bauxite mining through the use of sustainable mining practices.

The social impact of bauxite mining is also a concern. Bauxite mining can displace indigenous people and lead to social unrest. The mining industry is working to mitigate the social impact of bauxite mining through the development of community development programs.

The future of the bauxite market is uncertain. The market is facing a number of challenges, but it also offers a number of opportunities. The future of the bauxite market will depend on the development of new technologies, the growth of the aluminum industry, and the environmental and social impact of bauxite mining.

Here are some additional details on the subtopics:

What is bauxite?
Bauxite is an ore that is the main source of aluminum. It is a mixture of aluminum oxide and other Minerals, and it is usually found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Where is bauxite found?
Bauxite is found in many parts of the world, but the largest deposits are in Australia, Brazil, China, Guinea, and India.

How is bauxite mined?
Bauxite is mined by open-pit or underground methods. In open-pit mining, the bauxite is removed from the surface by large machines. In underground mining, the bauxite is removed from the ground by tunnels.

How is bauxite processed?
Bauxite is processed into alumina, which is then used to make aluminum. The processing of bauxite into alumina is a multi-step process that includes crushing, grinding, and dissolving the bauxite in a caustic soda solution.

What are the environmental impacts of bauxite mining?
Bauxite mining can have a number of environmental impacts, including deforestation, water pollution, and soil erosion.

What are the social impacts of bauxite mining?
Bauxite mining can have a number of social impacts, including displacement of people, loss of traditional livelihoods, and increased crime.

What are the economic impacts of bauxite mining?
Bauxite mining can have a number of economic impacts, including job creation, increased tax revenue, and Economic Development.

What are the future prospects for bauxite mining?
The future prospects for bauxite mining are good. The demand for aluminum is expected to grow in the coming years, and bauxite is the main source of aluminum.

  1. Bauxite is a mineral ore that is the main source of aluminum. It is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
  2. The largest producers of bauxite are Australia, China, Brazil, Guinea, and India.
  3. Bauxite is mined and then processed to produce alumina, which is then used to make aluminum.
  4. Aluminum is a lightweight and strong metal that is used in a variety of products, including cars, airplanes, and buildings.
  5. The global demand for aluminum is expected to grow in the coming years, driven by the growth of the global economy and the increasing use of aluminum in new technologies.

Here are some MCQs about bauxite:

  1. Which of the following is not a major producer of bauxite?
    (A) Australia
    (B) China
    (C) Brazil
    (D) Canada

  2. Bauxite is used to produce which of the following metals?
    (A) Aluminum
    (B) Copper
    (C) Iron
    (D) Zinc

  3. The global demand for aluminum is expected to grow in the coming years due to which of the following factors?
    (A) The growth of the global economy
    (B) The increasing use of aluminum in new technologies
    (C) The increasing use of aluminum in construction
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is not a use of aluminum?
    (A) Cars
    (B) Airplanes
    (C) Buildings
    (D) Batteries

  5. Bauxite is found in which of the following regions?
    (A) Tropical and subtropical regions
    (B) Temperate regions
    (C) Arctic regions
    (D) Antarctic regions

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