What is Universal base income? Why it was suggested and what are its advantage?

<2/”>a >Universal basic income (UBI) is a model for providing all citizens of a country or other geographic area with a given sum of Money, regardless of their income, Resources or EMPLOYMENT status. The purpose of the UBI is to prevent or reduce POVERTY and increase Equality among citizens. It is one of the kind of redistribution system.


It was suggested because:


  • Inefficiencies of existing subsidies scheme.
  • Exclusion error.
  • According to the survey most of the scheme were not able to reach targeted beneficiaries.Often the very districts that house the most number of poor are the ones facing the greatest shortfall in the allocation of.
  • One of the key problems with many programs is that the take-up and effectiveness of targeting will be correlated with a state’s institutional and implementation capacity.



Benefits of UBI:


A UBI has the merit that it will not necessarily be driven by take-up capability from below but given from above to all the deserving. In that sense, it is less likely to be prone to exclusion errors.


And by directly transferring money to bank accounts, and circumventing multiple layers of Bureaucracy, the scope for out-of- system leakages (a feature of PDS schemes) is low.


A universal basic income (UBI) is a government program in which every adult citizen receives a regular, unconditional sum of money. The amount of money would be enough to cover basic living expenses, such as food, housing, and transportation.

UBI has been suggested for a variety of reasons, including to reduce poverty, inequality, and Unemployment. Some people believe that UBI would provide a safety net for people who are struggling financially, while others believe that it would boost the economy by giving people more money to spend. Additionally, some people believe that UBI would reduce crime by giving people a reason to stay out of trouble.

Some of the advantages of UBI include that it could provide a safety net for people who are struggling financially, it could boost the economy, and it could reduce crime. Additionally, UBI could help to reduce inequality by giving everyone a basic income, regardless of their income level.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages of UBI, such as that it could be expensive to implement and it could disincentivize people from working. Additionally, some people worry that UBI could lead to Inflation.

Overall, UBI is a complex issue with both potential advantages and disadvantages. It is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding whether or not to support UBI.

Advantages of UBI

One of the main advantages of UBI is that it could provide a safety net for people who are struggling financially. In the United States, for example, the poverty rate is currently 11.4%. This means that over 37 million people live below the Poverty Line. A UBI could help to lift these people out of poverty by giving them a regular income that they can use to cover basic expenses.

Another advantage of UBI is that it could boost the economy. When people have more money to spend, they tend to spend more money. This can lead to increased demand for goods and Services, which can in turn lead to job creation. A study by the Roosevelt Institute found that a UBI of $1,000 per month could create 4.6 million jobs in the United States.

Finally, UBI could reduce crime. Studies have shown that poverty is a major factor in crime. When people are struggling to meet their basic needs, they are more likely to turn to crime as a way to make ends meet. A UBI could help to reduce crime by giving people a way to meet their basic needs without resorting to illegal activities.

Disadvantages of UBI

One of the main disadvantages of UBI is that it could be expensive to implement. The cost of a UBI would depend on the amount of money that is given to each person, but it is estimated that a UBI of $1,000 per month would cost the United States government over $3 trillion per year. This is a significant amount of money, and it is not clear how the government would pay for it.

Another disadvantage of UBI is that it could disincentivize people from working. When people have a guaranteed income, they may be less likely to work. This could lead to a decrease in the labor force, which could have negative consequences for the economy.

Finally, some people worry that UBI could lead to inflation. When the government prints more money, it can lead to an increase in the price of goods and services. This is known as inflation. If UBI were to lead to inflation, it could erode the value of the UBI and make it less effective in reducing poverty.


UBI is a complex issue with both potential advantages and disadvantages. It is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding whether or not to support UBI.

What is Universal Basic Income?

A universal basic income (UBI) is a government program in which every adult citizen receives a regular, unconditional sum of money, paid by the government.

Why was Universal Basic Income suggested?

There are many reasons why people have suggested a UBI. Some people believe that it would help to reduce poverty and inequality. Others believe that it would help to stimulate the economy. Still others believe that it would give people more freedom and autonomy.

What are the advantages of Universal Basic Income?

There are many potential advantages of a UBI. Some of the potential advantages include:

  • Reducing poverty and inequality: A UBI could help to reduce poverty and inequality by providing everyone with a basic level of income.
  • Stimulating the economy: A UBI could stimulate the economy by giving people more money to spend.
  • Increasing freedom and autonomy: A UBI could give people more freedom and autonomy by allowing them to choose how they spend their money.

What are the disadvantages of Universal Basic Income?

There are also some potential disadvantages of a UBI. Some of the potential disadvantages include:

  • Cost: A UBI would be expensive to implement.
  • Work disincentive: A UBI could disincentivize work, as people would no longer need to work to earn a living.
  • Inflation: A UBI could lead to inflation, as businesses would raise prices to account for the increased demand.

What is the future of Universal Basic Income?

The future of UBI is uncertain. It is a policy that is still being debated, and it is not clear whether it will ever be implemented. However, the idea of UBI is gaining popularity, and it is possible that it could be implemented in the future.

  1. Universal basic income (UBI) is a government program that would provide a regular, unconditional sum of money to every citizen.
  2. UBI has been suggested for a variety of reasons, including to reduce poverty, inequality, and unemployment.
  3. Some of the advantages of UBI include that it would provide a safety net for people who are struggling, it would stimulate the economy, and it would reduce bureaucracy.
  4. Some of the disadvantages of UBI include that it could be expensive, it could disincentivize work, and it could lead to inflation.

Here are some multiple choice questions about UBI:

  1. What is universal basic income?
    (A) A government program that would provide a regular, unconditional sum of money to every citizen.
    (B) A government program that would provide a regular, conditional sum of money to every citizen.
    (C) A government program that would provide a one-time sum of money to every citizen.
    (D) A government program that would provide a regular, unconditional sum of money to every citizen who is unemployed.

  2. Why has universal basic income been suggested?
    (A) To reduce poverty.
    (B) To reduce inequality.
    (C) To reduce unemployment.
    (D) All of the above.

  3. What are some of the advantages of universal basic income?
    (A) It would provide a safety net for people who are struggling.
    (B) It would stimulate the economy.
    (C) It would reduce bureaucracy.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. What are some of the disadvantages of universal basic income?
    (A) It could be expensive.
    (B) It could disincentivize work.
    (C) It could lead to inflation.
    (D) All of the above.

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