Westernisation and modernization vs Traditionalism

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The role of Westernisation has been very significant in understanding the socio-cultural changes of modern India. British rule produced radical and lasting changes in the Society/”>Indian Society and culture. TheBritish brought with them, unlike the previous invaders, new technology, institutions, knowledge,beliefs, and values. These have become the main source of social mobility for individuals as well as groups. M.N. Srinivas introduced the term ‘Westernisation’ mainly to explain the changes that have taken place in the Indian society and culture due to the Western contact through the British rule.

During the 19 th century, the British slowly laid the foundations of a modern state by surveying land,settling the revenue, creating a modern Bureaucracy, army and police, instituting law courts, codifyingthe law, developing communications  – railways post and telegraph, roads and canals  – establishingschools and colleges and so on. The British brought with them the printing press which led to many-sided changes. Books and journals made possible the transmission of modern as well as traditionalknowledge to large number of Indians. Newspapers helped the people living in the remote corners of the country to realize their common Bonds sand to understand the events happening in the worldoutside.

More than anything, the Western Education had an impact on the style of living of the people. Theygave up their inhibition towards meat-eating and consumption of alcohol. They also adopted Westernstyle of dress and dining. As Gandhi wrote in his autobiography, educated Indians undertook the task of becoming English gentlemen in their dress, manners, habits, choices, preferences etc. It included evenlearning to appreciate the Western music and participating in ball dancing. Western education resultedin a big change in the outlook of those educated.

Features of Westernisation

  • In comparison to Sanskritisation, Westernisation is a simpler concept. As it is already madeclear, it explains the impact of Western contact on the Indian society and culture.
  • Westernisation implies, according to Srinivas, certain value preferences. The most importantvalue, which in turn subsumes several other values, is humanitarianism. It implies an activeconcern for the welfare of all human being irrespective of caste, economic position, religion, ageand sex. He further observes that equalitarianism and secularization are both included inhumanitarianism.
  • Westernisation not only includes the introduction of new institutions such as newspapers,Elections but also fundamental changes in old institutions. For example, India had schools longbefore the arrival of the British. But they were different from the British introduced schools inthat they had been restricted to upper caste children and transmitted mostly traditionknowledge. Other institutions such as army, civil Services and law courts were also similarlyaffected.
  • The form and pace of Westernisation of India varied from region to region and from one sectionof Population to another. For example, one group of people became westernized in their dress,diet, manners, speech, Sports and in the gadgets they used. While another absorbed Westernscience, knowledge, literature, remaining relatively free from certain other aspects of Westernisation.


The term modernisation doe sn’t denote any philosophy or movement, but it only symbolizes a process of change. In fact, Modernisation is understood as a process which indicates the adoption of the modernways of life and values. The term was being used previously to refer only to change in economy and itsrelated effect on Social Values and practices. It was also described as a process that changed the society,from primarily agricultural to primarily Industrial Economy. As a result of the change in the economy,the society itself underwent changes in values, beliefs, and norms. But today, the term is given abroader meaning.

Today, the term Modernisation is understood as an attempt, on the part of the people, particularlythose who hare custom-bound, to adopt themselves to the present time, conditions, styles, and ways in general. It indicates a change in people’s food habits, dress habits, speaking styles, tastes, choices, preferences, ideas, values, recreational facilities and so on. It is also described as Social Change involvingthe Elements of science and technology. The scientific and technological inventions have brought aboutremarkable changes in the whole system of social relationship and installed new ideologies in the placeof traditional ones.

Modernisation involves a transformation of social, political and economic organizations. This includesthe transformation indicated by Durkhiem , from ‘mechanical solidarity’ to ‘organic solidarity’; that indicated by Becker , from ‘change – resistant sacred outlook’ to ‘change – ready secular outlook’; that indicated by Weber , from ‘personal bonds’ to ‘impersonal relation’ with bureaucracy; and thetransformation from ‘status based’ relations to ‘contract based’ relation as indic ated by Maine .

Westernisation vs Modernisation

The two terms namely, Westernisation (M.N. Srinivas) and Modernisation (Daniel Lerner) must beunderstood as conceptual tools to understand the nature and character of social changes that havetaken place in the developing countries.

In a broad way it may be said that the concept of Westernisation as used by Srinivas covers:

  • behavioural aspects like eating, drinking, dressing, dancing etc.
  • the knowledge aspects like literature,science etc.
  • the values aspects like humanitarianism, equalitarianism and Secularism-2/”>Secularism etc.

The term Modernisation involved a transformation of social, political and economic organisation. As aconcept it is greatly helpful to the sociologists who have been primarily concerned with the process of differentiation that characterized the modern societies. It helps them to know the way in which newstructures arise to assume new functions, how new occupations emerge, how new complex educationinstitutions develop and so on.

Westernisation is mostly a middle class phenomenon whereas Modernisation is a mass process involvingmass media. Thus while the 19 th century Westernisation process was essentially a middle class affairinvolving fashions in speech, clothing, food and drink habits, the modernisation process involves afundamental, deep-seated and widespread change involving attitudes, the development of a rationalistand positivist spirit and the application of the new knowledge to the ways of living it is essentially a massaffair. It involves a fundamental change in social structure from the immutable varna society which is aclosed society to a casteless, classless, open society.

Lerner emphasises that the modernisation process involves the replacement of sacred revelation bysecular enlightenment in the guidance of human affairs. He considers the term Westernisation asinadequate. While westernisation penetrated only the upper level, affecting mainly leisure classfashions, modernisation diffuse among a wider population and touches public institutions as well asprivate aspirations with its diquieting positivist spirit.

Traditionalism vs modernism

Traditions represent the Actual Identity of particular society, while getting rid of them is supposed to be a sign of modernity. Traditions, quite often, keep us United, but modernity, usually, takes us apart from each other.

A tradition implies an established method or practice; belief or custom, passed on to us by our ancestors. Much of what we do today has its roots in the past. Usual rituals, like the practice of throwing rice over the shoulder and a bride kicking a container of rice before entering her new house after marriage, have their origin in our traditions and are, in no way related to any logic or religion.

Modernism is in total contras with the ideas or methods of the traditional ones. Old, it is said, is gold and should be preserved carefully. But it is also an unavoidable fact that old is to be given up for good to enter the New Era. We cannot go on sticking to our past customs traditions and roots simply because they have come by inheritance.

The world has to move on. Hence the presence of the conflict between the traditional and the modern. What must not be forgotten, however, is that in spite of our desire to be modern, we must maintain a proper balance between the two? Too much observance of traditions and customs is contrary change.

We start believing that there is nothing wrong with them. There is a lot in our ancient customs, still practiced today, that is not only meaningless, but even evidently harmful the modern society. Take for example, the practice of dowry.

In the modern context, dowry is an evil that forces ambitious girls, whose parents are poor, to remain unwed. The practice needs to be done away with entirely. Another evil practice of the same magnitude is the child marriage.






Westernization, modernization, and traditionalism are three concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings. Westernization is the process of adopting the cultural, political, and economic practices of Western countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. Modernization is the process of social and Economic Development that leads to a more complex and technologically advanced society. Traditionalism is the adherence to traditional values and customs.

Westernization has a long history, dating back to the European colonization of the Americas, Africa, and Asia. During this time, European powers imposed their culture and values on the people they colonized. This led to the spread of Western ideas such as Democracy, capitalism, and individualism.

In the 20th century, Westernization continued to spread, as more and more countries adopted Western-style institutions and practices. This was due in part to the rise of the United States as a global superpower. The United States promoted its own values and culture around the world, through its Foreign Policy, its media, and its popular culture.

Westernization has had a significant impact on the world. It has led to the spread of democracy, capitalism, and individualism. It has also led to the development of new technologies and the spread of new ideas. However, Westernization has also been criticized for its negative effects, such as the loss of traditional cultures and the spread of consumerism.

Modernization is a more recent concept, dating back to the Industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid social and economic change that began in Great Britain in the late 18th century. It was characterized by the development of new technologies, such as the steam engine, and the rise of factories.

The Industrial Revolution led to a number of changes in society. It led to the Growth of cities, as people moved from rural areas to find work in factories. It also led to the rise of a new middle class, made up of factory owners, merchants, and professionals.

Modernization has had a profound impact on the world. It has led to the development of new technologies, the growth of cities, and the rise of a new middle class. It has also led to the spread of democracy, capitalism, and individualism. However, modernization has also been criticized for its negative effects, such as the loss of traditional cultures and the spread of consumerism.

Traditionalism is the adherence to traditional values and customs. Traditionalism is often associated with rural areas and older generations. However, there are also many people in urban areas and younger generations who hold traditional values.

Traditionalism can be seen as a way of preserving a way of life that is threatened by change. It can also be seen as a way of providing stability and order in a world that is often chaotic and unpredictable.

Traditionalism has both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, it can provide a sense of community and belonging. It can also provide a sense of stability and order. On the negative side, traditionalism can be resistant to change. It can also be used to justify discrimination and oppression.

Westernization, modernization, and traditionalism are three concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings. Westernization is the process of adopting the cultural, political, and economic practices of Western countries. Modernization is the process of social and economic development that leads to a more complex and technologically advanced society. Traditionalism is the adherence to traditional values and customs.

Each of these concepts has its own advantages and disadvantages. Westernization can lead to the spread of democracy, capitalism, and individualism. However, it can also lead to the loss of traditional cultures and the spread of consumerism. Modernization can lead to the development of new technologies, the growth of cities, and the rise of a new middle class. However, it can also lead to the loss of traditional cultures and the spread of consumerism. Traditionalism can provide a sense of community and belonging. However, it can also be resistant to change and be used to justify discrimination and oppression.

The future of Westernization and modernization is uncertain. It is possible that Westernization will continue to spread, as more and more countries adopt Western-style institutions and practices. It is also possible that modernization will continue to spread, as more and more countries develop economically. However, it is also possible that both Westernization and modernization will be challenged by traditionalism and other alternative ways of life.

What is Westernization?

Westernization is the process of adopting Western culture, values, and institutions. It can be seen in the spread of Western ideas and technologies, as well as in the adoption of Western-style clothing, food, and music.

What is modernization?

Modernization is the process of social and economic change that leads to a society that is more complex, technologically advanced, and urbanized. It is often associated with the development of capitalism, democracy, and secularism.

What is traditionalism?

Traditionalism is the belief in the importance of tradition and the preservation of traditional values. It is often associated with a resistance to change and a preference for the status quo.

What are the benefits of Westernization?

Westernization can bring a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased access to education and technology
  • Improved healthcare and living standards
  • Greater political and economic freedom

What are the drawbacks of Westernization?

Westernization can also have a number of drawbacks, including:

  • The loss of traditional culture and values
  • The spread of consumerism and materialism
  • The erosion of social cohesion

What are the benefits of modernization?

Modernization can bring a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased economic growth
  • Improved Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE
  • Higher standards of living

What are the drawbacks of modernization?

Modernization can also have a number of drawbacks, including:

What are the benefits of traditionalism?

Traditionalism can bring a number of benefits, including:

  • A sense of community and belonging
  • A strong sense of identity
  • A sense of stability and continuity

What are the drawbacks of traditionalism?

Traditionalism can also have a number of drawbacks, including:

  • Resistance to change
  • A lack of Tolerance for diversity
  • A lack of individual freedom

What is the relationship between Westernization, modernization, and traditionalism?

Westernization and modernization are often seen as being synonymous, but there are some important differences between the two. Westernization is the process of adopting Western culture, values, and institutions, while modernization is the process of social and economic change that leads to a society that is more complex, technologically advanced, and urbanized. Traditionalism is the belief in the importance of tradition and the preservation of traditional values.

It is possible for a society to be both Westernized and modernized, as in the case of Japan. However, it is also possible for a society to be Westernized without being modernized, as in the case of many Middle Eastern countries. And it is also possible for a society to be modernized without being Westernized, as in the case of China.

The relationship between Westernization, modernization, and traditionalism is complex and varies from country to country. In some cases, Westernization and modernization can lead to the erosion of traditional values and institutions. In other cases, they can coexist with traditional values and institutions. And in still other cases, they can lead to a revival of traditional values and institutions.

Ultimately, the relationship between Westernization, modernization, and traditionalism is determined by the specific historical, cultural, and political circumstances of each country.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of traditional societies?

(A) A strong sense of community
(B) A focus on the past
(C) A high level of social mobility
(D) A strong sense of family and kinship


Question 2

Which of the following is not a characteristic of modern societies?

(A) A focus on the future
(B) A high level of social mobility
(C) A strong sense of community
(D) A focus on individualism


Question 3

Which of the following is a positive effect of modernization?

(A) Increased access to education and healthcare
(B) Increased economic opportunities
(C) Increased social mobility
(D) All of the above


Question 4

Which of the following is a negative effect of modernization?

(A) Loss of traditional values
(B) Increased inequality
(C) Environmental degradation
(D) All of the above


Question 5

Which of the following is a way to mitigate the negative effects of modernization?

(A) Promote education and awareness about the importance of traditional values
(B) Implement policies to reduce inequality
(C) Invest in environmental protection
(D) All of the above


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