Water use efficiency in relation to crop production

Water use efficiency in relation to crop production

Land and water scarcity are major constraints to the production of food required to meet the quantitative and qualitative shifts of the world’s demand in the mid-twenty-first century. Whereas land and water availability are constrained on a global scale, there are important regional and crop-specific differences that need to be understood, quantified, and managed. In this context, the aim of this report is to provide an assessment of water productivity using five case studies that cover major grain crops, and a broad technological range from subsistence to high-tech production systems.

Options for Improving the Productivity of Water

There are several approaches for improving the crop productivity (yields) of water including replacing high water consuming crops with lower‐consuming ones and adopting management and systems improvements to increase productivity per unit of water consumed. Reallocation of water from low‐value crops to higher‐value crops can increase the economic productivity of water; however this conserves water only if the high‐value crop has a shorter growing season, and the land is not recropped the same year. Thus, the most significant sources of “new” water will be through improvements in productivity per unit of water with the adoption of appropriate management and water application systems. Each basin and watershed may have different solutions depending on specific socioeconomic, soils, water supply and climatic characteristics.

Efficiencies must be considered in terms of both the diverted water that is consumed and the proportion that is not consumptively used that is available for reuse or becomes degraded or otherwise unusable. Efficiencies are increased when the total amount of water consumed by crops, Evaporation and other users can be reduced. The available water resource within a basin or subbasin can also be effectively conserved for other uses by improving efficiencies to reduce the unusable water losses.

There may be no water Savings at the watershed or regional scale if the volume of evaporation and Transpiration consumed by the crops and nonbeneficial uses (e.g., Weeds) stays the same (assuming no unrecoverable losses). We know that improving only on‐farm Irrigation efficiencies will usually not save water, and may, in fact, increase total water use because both higher irrigation uniformities and increased inputs (e.g., fertilizer) can increase total yields. Growers may also shift to higher value, higher water‐using crops because the improved irrigation system renders it more feasible. However, improved irrigation systems do make the farmers more efficient in their overall operations and more competitive, and they are certainly a huge advantage in drought or other deficit irrigation conditions when limited water can be applied more uniformly and create better yields. Nevertheless, under drought conditions, application efficiencies may reach 100% and return flows will be low, potentially affecting riparian Ecosystems.

In an urban setting, appropriate selection of drought tolerant Grasses and other Plants can save substantial amount of water when combined with reduced fertilizer use and other strategies to maximize use of rainfall and optimization of where and when water is applied to spatially diverse landscapes such as highway medians. This could also reduce mowing and maintenance costs while still providing an acceptable appearance. Xeroscapes and minimal irrigation of golf course roughs will likewise have a large impact on reducing urban water use.

Cultural practices such as conservation Tillage, planting densities, and improved varieties and pest control will affect crop productivity and water use. Cropping strategies such as double‐cropping, Intercropping, Relay Cropping, crop specific rotations and sequences can take advantage of the lower water demand of certain crops and times or periods with higher rainfall to increase productivity.

In addition to general water conservation and reuse practices, three complementary and overlapping options can be exercised to save water at the farm and field level. These options comprise

  • Increasing crop productivity per unit of water,
  • Improving management capacity of growers, and
  • Spatially optimizing water applications and use.

The first option considers alternatives that include planting drought‐tolerant cultivars or reducing inputs such as Fertilizers or water to decrease vegetative vigor. Option 2 can be realized by increasing grower ability to optimize irrigation amounts in time and space utilizing site‐specific irrigation techniques, enhanced water delivery systems, decision support tools, and other advanced methodologies. Option 3 can be exercised through various scientific irrigation scheduling scenarios including deficit irrigation, geographically relocating specific crops to areas of maximum adaptation and productivity, and fully or partially retiring lands from irrigation so water can be moved to more productive areas or uses.

ways and means of reducing runoff losses of irrigation water

The water requirement of crops in that quantity of water required by the crops within a given period of time for their maturity and it includes losses due to evapotranspiration plus the unavoidable losses during the application of water and water required for special operation such as land preparation, puddling and leaching. Irrigation is an important practice for higher production both in mono and poly cropped areas. Effective irrigation is the controlled and uniform application of water to crop land in the required amount at required time with minimum cost to produce optimum yields without the waste of water and any adverse effect on the Soil in the form of soil salinity and water login problems. The misuse of water leads to the problem of Water Logging and salt imbalance thus rendering agricultural lands unproductive or less productive of problematic. As the source of water to crop land is the rainwater and supplementary through irrigation. Hence for effective use of water it is necessary to avoid water losses therefore control measure are taken for both rainwater and irrigation.


Surface mulches are used to prevent soil from blowing and being washed away. It also breaks the surface crust, which forms after each downpour. Mulching with different materials e.g. paddy husk, grass mulch, jowar stubble and wheat straw, also plastic mulches were used. Organic mulches at 5t/ha are recommended, vertical mulching with jowar straw is also recommended to conserve run-off and utilize it effectively. Mulching has advantage of to keep down weeds, improve Soil Structure and increases infiltration.


Irrigation Schedule 

Irrigation should be schedule when the soil temperature is moderate. In hotter season it is better to irrigate the field during the late afternoon or at night so that both soil and plant get sufficient time to absorb water before dry and desiccating weather prevails the next day. During the very cold season water should be applying during the morning hour, when the soil starts warning up. Frequent irrigation increases application loss and cost but it helps to increase use efficiency of fertilizer and other inputs. However, how much water should be applied in each irrigation depends on the need of the crop for water, the availability of water for irrigation, the capacity of the root-zone soil to store water, the season of raising the crop, the cultural practices and the anticipated rainfall.,

Water use efficiency (WUE) is the ratio of crop yield to the amount of water used to produce that yield. It is a measure of how well plants use water to produce food. WUE is important because it can help farmers to produce more food with less water.

There are many factors that affect WUE, including the type of crop, the Climate, the soil, and the irrigation method. Some crops, such as rice, are more water-intensive than others. Hot, dry climates also require more water for crop production than cooler, wetter climates. Soils that are sandy or have low organic matter content hold less water than clay soils or soils with high organic matter content. And irrigation methods that deliver water directly to the plant roots, such as Drip Irrigation, are more efficient than methods that apply water to the entire field, such as flood irrigation.

There are a number of things that farmers can do to improve WUE. One is to choose crops that are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions. Another is to use irrigation methods that are efficient in delivering water to the plant roots. Farmers can also improve WUE by managing their soil and water Resources carefully. This includes practices such as conserving soil moisture, applying fertilizer efficiently, and managing pests and diseases.

Improving WUE is important for both farmers and the Environment. Farmers can save Money on water costs and increase their profits by producing more food with less water. And by using water more efficiently, farmers can help to conserve Water Resources for future generations.

Climate Change is also having a significant impact on water use efficiency. As the climate changes, temperatures are rising and Precipitation patterns are becoming more variable. This is leading to more droughts and floods, which can both reduce crop yields and increase water demand. Farmers need to adapt to these changes in order to maintain high WUE.

One way to adapt to climate change is to switch to crops that are more drought-tolerant. Another is to use irrigation methods that are more efficient in delivering water to the plant roots. Farmers can also use water harvesting techniques to collect rainwater or snowmelt for irrigation. And they can use conservation practices such as mulching and cover cropping to reduce evaporation and improve soil water retention.

By taking these steps, farmers can help to ensure that they have enough water to produce food for a growing Population, even in the face of climate change.

In addition to adaptation, there are also a number of mitigation strategies that can be used to reduce the Impact Of Climate Change on water use efficiency. These include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving Energy Efficiency, and investing in RENEWABLE ENERGY sources. By taking these steps, we can help to reduce the severity of climate change and protect our water resources for future generations.

What is water use efficiency?

Water use efficiency (WUE) is the ratio of crop yield to the amount of water used to produce that yield. It is a measure of how well plants use water to produce food.

What are the different types of water use efficiency?

There are two main types of water use efficiency: physiological WUE and agronomic WUE. Physiological WUE is the ratio of crop Biomass/”>Biomass to the amount of water transpired by the crop. Agronomic WUE is the ratio of crop yield to the amount of water applied to the crop.

What are the factors that affect water use efficiency?

There are many factors that affect water use efficiency, including:

  • Climate: The climate, especially the temperature and rainfall, can have a big impact on WUE.
  • Soil type: The type of soil can affect the amount of water that is available to plants.
  • Crop type: Different crops have different water requirements.
  • Irrigation management: The way that irrigation is managed can have a big impact on WUE.

What are the benefits of increasing water use efficiency?

There are many benefits to increasing water use efficiency, including:

  • Increased crop yields: By using water more efficiently, farmers can produce more food with less water.
  • Reduced water Stress: By using water more efficiently, farmers can reduce the amount of water that is used to irrigate their crops.
  • Improved water quality: By using water more efficiently, farmers can reduce the amount of water that is lost to evaporation and runoff.
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: By using water more efficiently, farmers can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted from agriculture.

How can water use efficiency be improved?

There are many ways to improve water use efficiency, including:

  • Using drip irrigation: Drip irrigation is a type of irrigation that delivers water directly to the roots of plants. This type of irrigation is very efficient because it minimizes water loss due to evaporation and runoff.
  • Using mulch: Mulch is a layer of material that is placed on the soil surface. Mulch helps to conserve water by reducing evaporation and by suppressing weeds.
  • Planting drought-tolerant crops: Drought-tolerant crops are crops that can grow with less water than other crops. Planting drought-tolerant crops can help farmers to reduce their water use.
  • Improving irrigation management: Irrigation management is the process of planning and implementing irrigation systems. By improving irrigation management, farmers can use water more efficiently.

What are the challenges to increasing water use efficiency?

There are many challenges to increasing water use efficiency, including:

  • The cost of new irrigation technologies: New irrigation technologies, such as drip irrigation, can be expensive. This can make it difficult for farmers to adopt these technologies.
  • The lack of knowledge about water use efficiency: Many farmers do not know how to improve water use efficiency on their farms. This can make it difficult for them to adopt new practices that will improve WUE.
  • The lack of government support: Governments often do not provide enough support to farmers who are trying to improve water use efficiency. This can make it difficult for farmers to adopt new practices that will improve WUE.
  1. Which of the following is not a factor that affects water use efficiency in crop production?
    (A) Soil type
    (B) Climate
    (C) Crop variety
    (D) Irrigation method

  2. Which of the following irrigation methods is the most efficient?
    (A) Drip irrigation
    (B) Sprinkler Irrigation
    (C) Flood irrigation
    (D) Surface irrigation

  3. Which of the following is a way to improve water use efficiency in crop production?
    (A) Use drought-tolerant crops
    (B) Apply fertilizer more efficiently
    (C) Use drip irrigation
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is a negative impact of water scarcity on crop production?
    (A) Reduced yields
    (B) Increased costs of production
    (C) Increased risk of crop failure
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a way to reduce the impact of water scarcity on crop production?
    (A) Improve water management practices
    (B) Use drought-tolerant crops
    (C) Diversify crops
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is a way to increase water availability for crop production?
    (A) Desalination
    (B) Rainwater harvesting
    (C) Water conservation
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a negative impact of climate change on crop production?
    (A) Increased frequency of droughts
    (B) Increased frequency of floods
    (C) Increased temperature extremes
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a way to reduce the impact of climate change on crop production?
    (A) Use drought-tolerant crops
    (B) Use flood-tolerant crops
    (C) Adapt agricultural practices to changing climate conditions
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a way to increase the resilience of agriculture to climate change?
    (A) Use drought-tolerant crops
    (B) Use flood-tolerant crops
    (C) Adapt agricultural practices to changing climate conditions
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is a way to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture?
    (A) Use less fertilizer
    (B) Use less pesticides
    (C) Use less water
    (D) All of the above

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