Water supply and sanitation

Water supply and sanitation

Issues related to water supply in India

Variability in water availability

India faces large temporal variability in water availability, leading to, among other issues, disasters such as floods and droughts. Due to monsoon Climate in India, more than 70% of the annual Precipitation takes place in a limited period of about four months. In addition to temporal variability, water availability in India also has huge variations with respect to location, resulting in surplus water in some river basins/regions and water scarcity in others.

Increasing gap between water availability and demands

Population is the key determinant in water demand. As the population of India is increasing, lifestyles are changing and economic activities are increasing, the demand for water is also rapidly rising. agriculture sector accounts for more than 85% of the annual water demand in the country. As there is no major trend in annual rainfall in India, the gap between demand and supply of water is increasing. In many regions, the demand is already much more than the supply, leading to water scarcity.

Unsustainable water withdrawals

To meet the increasing water demands, progressively larger quantities of water are being withdrawn from surface and subsurface water bodies. Increasing withdrawals have adversely affected the Health of many rivers in different reaches and some rivers in different stretches have stopped flowing round the year. This is highly detrimental to the river as well as the Environment.

Government efforts to boost water supply in India

National water framework bill,2016

A Committee constituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Revejunation on 28.12.2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Mihir Shah suggested a draft National Water Framework Bill, 2016 which inter-alia, contains provisions for an overarching national legal framework with principles for protection, conservation, regulation and management of water as a vital and stressed natural resource.

National water mission

The main objective of the National Water Mission (NWM) is “conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within States through integrated Water Resources development and management”. The five identified goals of the Mission are:

  • Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of impact of Climate Change on water resource;
  • Promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation, augmentation and preservation;
  • Focused attention to vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas;
  • Increasing water use efficiency by 20%, and
  • Promotion of basin level integrated Water Resources Management.


Jal Jeevan Mission

The Central Government assistance to States for rural water supply began in 1972 with the launch of Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme. It was renamed as National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) in 2009, which is a centrally sponsored scheme with fund sharing between the Centre and the States. Under NRDWP, one of the objectives was to “enable all households to have access to and use safe & adequate drinking water within premises to the extent possible”. It was proposed to achieve the goal by 2030, coinciding with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. But now, it is has been planned to achieve the goal by 2024 through Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). As per the information available with DDWS, as on 31.3.2019, only 18.33% of rural households i.e., 3.27 Crore out of the total 17.87 Crore rural households in the country, have piped water connection.

Following works/ schemes are proposed to be taken up under Jal Jeevan Mission:

  • In-village water supply (PWS) Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for tap water connection to every household;
  • Reliable drinking water source development/ augmentation of existing sources;
  • Transfer of water (multi-village scheme; where quantity & quality issues are there in the local water sources);
  • Technological intervention for treatment to make water potable (where water quality is an issue, but quantity is sufficient);
  • Retrofitting of completed and ongoing piped water supply schemes to provide FHTC and raise the service level;
  • Grey water management;
  • Capacity building of various stakeholders and support activities to facilitate the implementation

Swajal Scheme

Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation aims to provide every rural person with adequate safe water for drinking, cooking and other domestic basic needs on a sustainable basis. This basic requirement should meet minimum water quality standards and be readily and conveniently accessible at all times and in all situations. Ministry has initiated a pilot project in the name of “Swajal” that is designed as a demand driven and community centred program to provide sustainable access to drinking water to people in rural areas.

Issues related to sanitation in India

The overall proportion of Indian households with access to improved water sources increased from 68% in 1992-93 to 89.9% in 2015-16. However, in 2015-16, 63.3% of rural households and 19.7% of urban households were not using improved sanitation facilities. According to the World Bank, more than 520 million in India were defecating in the open – the highest number in the world. This figure is expected to have reduced significantly given that improving sanitation is a key priority of the government which has introduced several flagship programmes including the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to clean India, the National Rural Drinking Water Programme, and Namami Gange, which aims at the conservation of the River Ganga.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Clean India Mission is a national level campaign by the Government of India covering 4041 statutory towns to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. This campaign was officially launched on 2 October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself wielded broom and cleaned a road. The campaign is India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive and 3 million government employees and schools and colleges students of India participated in this event. The mission was started by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, nominating nine Famous Personalities for this campaign, and they take up the challenge and nominate nine more people and so on(like the branching of a tree). It has been carried forward since then with famous people from all walks of life joining it.


Water supply and sanitation (WASH) is a term used to describe the provision of safe water and sanitation Services to people. It includes the following Elements:

  • Water supply: This refers to the provision of water that is safe to drink and use for other purposes, such as bathing and cooking.
  • Sanitation: This refers to the provision of facilities for the safe disposal of human waste, such as toilets and latrines.
  • Hygiene: This refers to the practices that people use to keep themselves and their environment clean, such as washing their hands and using soap.

Water supply and sanitation are essential for human health and well-being. Safe water and sanitation can help to prevent the spread of diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea. They can also improve people’s Quality Of Life by reducing the time and effort that is required to collect water and dispose of waste.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 785 million people do not have access to basic drinking water services, and over 2.7 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation services. This means that over 4 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, live in areas where they are at risk of waterborne diseases.

There are a number of challenges to providing WASH services to everyone. One challenge is the cost of providing these services. Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure, such as water pipes and sewer systems. In addition, there are often cultural and social barriers to the use of WASH services.

Despite these challenges, there has been progress in improving WASH access in recent years. Between 1990 and 2015, the number of people without access to basic drinking water services decreased by 2.1 billion, and the number of people without access to basic sanitation services decreased by 1.9 billion. This progress is due to a number of factors, including increased Investment in WASH, improved policies and regulations, and community-led initiatives.

There is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. However, the progress that has been made in recent years shows that it is possible to achieve this goal.

Here are some of the organizations that are working to improve WASH access:

  • WaterAid: WaterAid is an international non-governmental organization that works to provide safe water and sanitation to people in developing countries.
  • UNICEF: UNICEF is a United Nations agency that works to protect the rights of children. One of UNICEF’s priorities is to ensure that all children have access to safe water and sanitation.
  • WHO: WHO is a United Nations agency that works to promote health and well-being. WHO provides technical assistance and guidance on WASH issues.
  • World Bank: The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries. The World Bank also provides technical assistance and support for WASH projects.
  • Global Water PARTNERSHIP: The Global Water Partnership is an international Network of organizations that work to improve water management.
  • International Water Association: The International Water Association is an international professional association that works to promote the development and management of water resources.
  • International Association on Water Quality: The International Association on Water Quality is an international scientific association that works to improve water quality.
  • International Association of Hydrological Sciences: The International Association of Hydrological Sciences is an international scientific association that works to improve the understanding of the Earth’s water cycle.
  • International Association for Water Resources Development: The International Association for Water Resources Development is an international professional association that works to improve the development and management of water resources.
  • International Association for Water and Wastewater Treatment: The International Association for Water and Wastewater Treatment is an international professional association that works to improve the treatment of water and wastewater.
  • International Association for Water Pollution Research and Control: The International Association for Water Pollution Research and Control is an international scientific association that works to improve the control of water pollution.
  • International Association on Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries: The International Association on Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries is an international professional association that works to improve water and sanitation services in developing countries.

These organizations are working to improve WASH access in a number of ways. They are providing financial assistance, technical assistance, and training. They are also working to raise awareness of the importance of WASH and to advocate for policies that will support WASH access.

The work of these organizations is essential to ensuring that everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. By working together, they can make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world.

What is the difference between water supply and sanitation?

Water supply is the provision of water for human consumption, while sanitation is the provision of facilities and services to manage human waste.

What are the benefits of improved water supply and sanitation?

Improved water supply and sanitation can lead to a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk of waterborne diseases
  • Improved health and well-being
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced POVERTY
  • Improved Equality/”>Gender Equality
  • Increased environmental sustainability

What are the challenges to improving water supply and sanitation?

The challenges to improving water supply and sanitation include:

  • Lack of access to water and sanitation infrastructure
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Lack of political will
  • Lack of technical expertise
  • Social and cultural barriers

What is being done to improve water supply and sanitation?

A number of organizations are working to improve water supply and sanitation, including:

  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • The World Bank
  • The Global Water Partnership
  • The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

These organizations are working to improve water supply and sanitation through a number of initiatives, including:

  • Building new water and sanitation infrastructure
  • Providing financial assistance to countries
  • Developing and implementing policies and strategies
  • Raising awareness about the importance of water supply and sanitation

What can I do to help improve water supply and sanitation?

There are a number of things you can do to help improve water supply and sanitation, including:

  • Donate to organizations working to improve water supply and sanitation
  • Volunteer your time to organizations working to improve water supply and sanitation
  • Educate yourself about the importance of water supply and sanitation
  • Talk to your friends and family about the importance of water supply and sanitation
  • Support policies and initiatives that promote water supply and sanitation

What is the future of water supply and sanitation?

The future of water supply and sanitation looks promising. With the continued efforts of governments, organizations, and individuals, we can achieve universal access to safe water and sanitation by 2030.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a major source of water pollution?

(A) Agriculture
(B) Industry
(C) Mining
(D) Transportation

(D) Transportation

Transportation is not a major source of water pollution. The other three Options are major sources of water pollution.

Question 2

What is the most common type of water pollution?

(A) Biological pollution
(B) Chemical pollution
(C) Physical pollution
(D) Thermal pollution

(A) Biological pollution

Biological pollution is the most common type of water pollution. It is caused by the release of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other Microorganisms into water bodies.

Question 3

What are the three main types of water treatment?

(A) Primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment
(B) Primary, secondary, and quaternary treatment
(C) Primary, tertiary, and quaternary treatment
(D) Secondary, tertiary, and quaternary treatment

(A) Primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment

The three main types of water treatment are primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment removes large particles and suspended solids from water. Secondary treatment removes dissolved organic matter and bacteria from water. Tertiary treatment removes nutrients and other pollutants from water.

Question 4

What is the goal of water treatment?

(A) To make water safe to drink
(B) To make water safe to swim in
(C) To make water safe to irrigate crops with
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above

The goal of water treatment is to make water safe for all uses, including drinking, swimming, and irrigating crops.

Question 5

What is the most common method of water disinfection?

(A) Chlorination
(B) Ozonation
(C) UV disinfection
(D) Filtration

(A) Chlorination

Chlorination is the most common method of water disinfection. It is a simple and effective way to kill harmful bacteria and viruses in water.

Question 6

What is the most common type of water filter?

(A) Sediment filter
(B) Carbon filter
(C) Reverse osmosis filter
(D) Distillation filter

(A) Sediment filter

Sediment filters are the most common type of water filter. They remove large particles and suspended solids from water.

Question 7

What is the most common type of water softener?

(A) Ion exchange softener
(B) Cation exchange softener
(C) Anion exchange softener
(D) Both A and B

(D) Both A and B

Ion exchange softeners and cation exchange softeners are the most common types of water softeners. They remove calcium and magnesium ions from water, which can cause hard water.

Question 8

What is the most common type of water heater?

(A) Electric water heater
(B) Gas water heater
(C) Solar water heater
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above

Electric water heaters, gas water heaters, and solar water heaters are the most common types of water heaters. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Question 9

What is the most common type of water tank?

(A) Above-ground water tank
(B) Underground water tank
(C) Both A and B

(C) Both A and B

Above-ground water tanks and underground water tanks are the most common types of water tanks. They both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Question 10

What is the most common type of water pipe?

(A) PVC pipe
(B) CPVC pipe
(C) PEX pipe
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above

PVC pipe, CPVC pipe, and PEX pipe are the most common types of water pipes. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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