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Vermiculture means artificial rearing or cultivation of worms (Earthworms) and the technology is the scientific process of using them for the betterment of human beings. Vermicompost is the excreta of earthworm, which is rich in humus. Earthworms eat cow dung or Farm Yard Manure along with other farm wastes and pass it through their body and in the process convert it into vermicompost. The municipal wastes; non-toxic solid and liquid waste of the industries and household garbage’s can also be converted into vermicompost in the same manner. Earthworms not only convert garbage into valuable manure but keep the Environment healthy. Conversion of garbage by earthworms into compost and the multiplication of earthworms are simple process and can be easily handled by the farmers.

Organisms of the Vermicomposting

Bacteria, micro-organisms and earth­worms participate in the vermicomposting process, of which bacteria and micro-organ­isms are used as food for worms.  Through­out the world, 3 or 4 species are used in vermiculture but two species are used exten­sively in India. Eisenia foetida and Eudrilus eugeniae are used throughout India for vermi­culture.

Classification of Earthworms

Based on the feeding habits, the earthworms are generally classified into detrivores and geophages. The detrivore earthworms feed mainly on plant litter, plan debris or mammalian dung. They collect the feed from the Soil surface. These worms compose the epizeic forms.

The detrivorous earthworms are Eisenia foetida, Eudrilus eugeniae, Lampito mauritii, Polypheretima elongata, Octochaetona serrata, Octochaetona surensis, etc.

The geophagous earthworms live in underground burrows and eat large quanties of deeper organic rich soil which remains beneath the surface layer. These worms are called humus feeders. Pheretima posthuma and Octochaetona thurstoni are the examples of geophagous earthworms.

Process of Vermicomposting

It deals with the various aspects like:

  • Types of container,
  • Filling it with moist bedding
  • Introducing worms and
  • Feeding the worms on a regular basis.

These types of aspects for vermicomposting are practised in small scale vermicomposting but in larger scale the basic processes are same excepting the composting containers.

Composting container:

The shape or size of the containers depends upon the amount of waste to be composted and the number of earthworms which we want to culture

In 1m × 1m × 0.5 m high container 2000 adult earthworms can be maintained which can convert 200 kg wastes into composting material per month. In 2.23 sq. metre container 10 kg earthworms can be maintained which can convert about 1 ton waste per month. The selected container should be cleaned before use.

The followings are considered as composting materials which are being listed below:

(i) The animal dungs such as cattle dung, goat dung, sheep dung and Poultry dropping are used as the composting material. The preliminary testing and precautions are necessary for the pathogens which can be harmful to earthworms excepting cowdung.

(ii) The agricultural waste materials which include the discarded part after harvesting and threshing of the paddy, wheat, etc. The vegetable wastes, leaf litter and sugarcane trash are considered as the composting material. The various kinds of Forestry wastes, such as peels, saw dust are also considered. The leaf litters, such as mango, guava and Grasses are used as composting materials.

(iii) The garbage includes various kinds of biodegradable and non-degradable materials. The biodegradable materials, such as kitchen vegetable waste, paper, should be sorted, recycled or composted.

Bedding materia

At the bottom of the containor, a 2-3 inches thick layer of biodegradable matter, e.g., husk, grasses, stem of crops and sugar cane trash, etc. which are used as the feed of earthworms, is laid. Next to this layer, another layer of 2″-3″ thick of powdered cowdung is put.

The whole material is maintained moistened and required number, of live earthworms are released. Above this a 7″-9″ thick layer of earthworm feed matter is put and watered. The whole material is covered with a moist gunny bag.

The earthworms would multiply by consuming the food and compost the matter from upper layers. The upper layer of vermicompost becomes ready within 60-70 days. Gradually the whole matter will be converted into vermicompost within 30-40 days with the bacterial decomposition.

Feed Materials of Earthworms

Earthworms eat decomposed organic matters. So various kinds of food are prepared used in vermiculture.

  • Old cow dung which is used after 7 days.
  • Cow dung is mixed with kitchen wastes in the ratio of 10:3.
  • Cow dung is mixed with agricultural wastes in the ratio of 10:3.

Advantages of vermiculture

  • Earthworms leave soil 5 to 11 percent richer in the essential plant nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium than when they first ingest it. As an organic fertilizer, vermicompost is a substitute for synthetic fertilizer in soil-enriched vegetable transplant potting mixes. As a soil conditioner, vermicompost is superior to traditional compost for its ability to improve Soil Structure and increase its water-holding capacity.
  • Organic wastes can be broken down and fragmented rapidly by earthworms, resulting in a stable nontoxic material with good structure, which has a potentially high economic value and also act as soil conditioner for plant Growth.
  • Vermicompost supplies a suitable mineral balance, improves nutrient availability and could act as complex-fertilizer granules.
  • Vermicomposting involves great reduction in populations of pathogenic Microorganisms, thus not differing from composting from this point of view.
  • It should be realized that vermicomposting can be a useful cottage Industry for the underprivileged and the economically weak as it can provide them with a supplementary income.
  • If every village can formulate a cooperative Society of unemployed youth/Women group, it could be a wise venture for them to produce vermicompost and sell it back to the village at a recommended price. The youth will not only earn Money, but also aid society by providing excellent quality organic manure for sustainable agro-practices.




Vermiculture, also known as worm composting, is a process that uses worms to break down organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment called worm castings. Worm castings are a valuable addition to any garden, as they improve soil structure, drainage, and fertility. They also contain beneficial microorganisms that can help to suppress plant diseases.

There are many different types of worms that can be used for vermiculture, but the most common are red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and nightcrawlers (Lumbricus terrestris). Red wigglers are the best choice for most home vermiculture systems, as they are relatively easy to care for and reproduce quickly. Nightcrawlers are larger than red wigglers and can be used for larger-scale vermiculture operations.

To set up a worm bin, you will need a container, bedding material, worms, food, and a Drainage System. The container can be made from a variety of materials, such as plastic bins, wooden boxes, or even old refrigerators. The bedding material can be made from a variety of organic materials, such as shredded newspaper, leaves, or straw. The worms will need a food source, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, or tea bags. You will also need to provide a drainage system to prevent the worm bin from becoming too wet.

Once you have set up your worm bin, you can add the worms and start feeding them. The worms will begin to break down the organic matter in the bedding material, producing worm castings as a byproduct. Worm castings can be used in your garden or sold as a soil amendment.

Vermiculture is a simple, low-maintenance way to produce nutrient-rich soil amendment. It is a great way to reduce food waste and improve the Health of your garden. If you are looking for a sustainable way to manage your organic waste, vermiculture is a great option.

Here are some tips for beginners:

Vermiculture can be used by farmers to produce high-quality compost for their crops. Worm castings are a valuable addition to any soil, as they improve drainage, aeration, and water retention. They also contain beneficial microorganisms that can help to suppress plant diseases.

Vermiculture can also be used by businesses to reduce their waste and improve their environmental impact. Worm bins can be used to compost food scraps, paper waste, and other organic materials. The resulting worm castings can be used in the business’s gardens or sold as a soil amendment.

Vermiculture can also be used by schools to teach students about the importance of composting and recycling. Worm bins can be set up in classrooms or on school grounds. Students can learn about the process of vermiculture and how it can be used to reduce waste.

Vermiculture can also be used by communities to improve the health of their environment. Worm bins can be set up in parks, community gardens, or other public spaces. The resulting worm castings can be used to improve the soil in these areas.

Vermiculture is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to manage organic waste. It is a great way to reduce food waste, improve soil health, and create a more sustainable future.

What is the difference between a worm and an earthworm?

A worm is a general term for any invertebrate that has a long, slender body and no legs. Earthworms are a type of worm that live in soil and help to aerate and fertilize the soil.

What are the benefits of vermiculture?

Vermiculture is the process of using worms to break down organic matter into compost. This can be done in a worm bin or worm farm. The benefits of vermiculture include:

What are the different types of worms that can be used for vermiculture?

The most common type of worm used for vermiculture is the red wiggler worm. Other types of worms that can be used include the nightcrawler, the European night crawler, and the dung beetle.

How do I start a worm bin?

To start a worm bin, you will need a container, bedding material, worms, and food scraps. The container should be at least 12 inches deep and have drainage holes. The bedding material can be newspaper, cardboard, or leaves. The worms can be purchased from a local bait shop or garden center. The food scraps should be fresh and non-toxic.

How do I care for my worm bin?

Once you have started your worm bin, you will need to care for it by adding food scraps, bedding material, and water. You will also need to aerate the bin and remove any dead worms.

How do I harvest my compost?

Once the compost is ready, you can harvest it by removing the worms and bedding material. The compost can then be used in gardens or potted plants.

What are some common problems with worm bins?

Some common problems with worm bins include:

What are some Resources for Learning more about vermiculture?

There are many resources available for learning more about vermiculture. Some of these resources include:

Sure, here are some MCQs about the topics of earthworms, composting, and soil:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of earthworm?
    (A) Red wiggler
    (B) Night crawler
    (C) Tiger worm
    (D) African nightcrawler

  2. Earthworms are important for the environment because they:
    (A) Aerate the soil
    (B) Break down organic matter
    (C) Contribute to Soil fertility
    (D) All of the above

  3. Composting is the process of:
    (A) Decomposing organic matter
    (B) Turning organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment
    (C) Both (A) and (B)

  4. Which of the following is not a benefit of composting?
    (A) Reduces waste
    (B) Improves soil quality
    (C) Creates a habitat for beneficial organisms
    (D) All of the above are benefits of composting

  5. Soil is a mixture of:
    (A) Minerals
    (B) Organic matter
    (C) Water
    (D) All of the above

  6. Soil is important for the environment because it:
    (A) Provides a habitat for plants
    (B) Filters water
    (C) Stores carbon
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is not a way to improve soil quality?
    (A) Add compost
    (B) Add manure
    (C) Add sand
    (D) Add clay

  8. Which of the following is a common soil pollutant?
    (A) Pesticides
    (B) Fertilizers
    (C) Oil
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is not a way to reduce Soil Pollution?
    (A) Use less pesticides
    (B) Use less fertilizers
    (C) Use less oil
    (D) All of the above are ways to reduce soil pollution

  10. Which of the following is the most important thing you can do to protect the soil?
    (A) Compost
    (B) Reduce your use of pesticides and fertilizers
    (C) Plant trees
    (D) All of the above are important things you can do to protect the soil

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