Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh

Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh:-

Vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is an important arena of its natural wealth. The dense forests stretching over one-third of the state is the producer of India’s best teak wood. Madhya Pradesh has a distinctly diverse topography and hence a wide range of variation in the Soil and vegetation.

The vegetation at the Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh, is quite luxuriant. The dominant vegetation in this region consists mostly of moist deciduous forests along with the bamboo thickets as well as the mixed forests. The most common tree in the the dry deciduous forests of this area is the Sal.The soil and vegetation lying on the riverbanks of the Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh, is extremely fertile.If you make a tour to the the Kanha National Park you will find it covered with bamboo thickets, Sal forests, grasslands and streams.The diversity in vegetation at the Kanha National Park enables a large variety of mammals, reptiles and birds to select the right natural abode.

The vegetation species commonly seen at the Kanha National Park include:-

  • Acacia torta
  • Bauhinia retusa
  • Butea menosperma
  • Anogeissus latifolia
  • Emblica officinalis
  • Maughania stricta
  • Pennisetum alopecurus
  • Cassia fistula
  • Phoenix acaulis
  • Shorea robusta
  • Dendrocalamus strictus

The state takes care of the trade of nationalised forest produce viz., Tendu Leaf, Sal Seed and Kullu Gum. In addition, a number of forest produce like Aonla, Harra, Lac, Achar, Mahua etc. are also being collected & traded through a Network of Cooperative Societies. Aonla, Gum, Tendu Leaf, Sal seed, Harra and various medicinal Plants of Madhya Pradesh are in great demand in national and international markets. Tendu leaf collection activities alone account for an income of about Rs. 145 crore every year to the forest dwellers.

Teak and Sal forests are the pride of the state. The Forest Department and the Forest Development Corporation have done extensive teak plantations during the last few decades. The dense forests of teak lie in Jabalpur, Seoni, Balaghat, Panna, Sehore, Dewas, Hoshangabad, Harda, Betul, Sagar, Chhindwara and Mandla districts. Similarly, the Sal forests are mainly located in Mandla, Dindori, Balaghat, Sidhi, Umaria, Anuppur and Shahdol districts. The geographical and biotic diversity of the state is well reflected in its 18 forest types ranging from thorn-forests to subtropical hill forests. The state is divided into 9 natural regions and 11 agro-climatic zones.

Classification of Forests:-

  • Reserved Forests
  • Protected Forests
  • Unclassified Forests

In the state, protected forests constitute 31098 sq km of the total forest area. Reserved forests are spread over 61886 sq km and unclassified forests cover an area of 1705 sq km.

The density of forests is not uniform in the state. Balaghat, Mandla, Dindori, Betul, Seoni, Chhindwara, Shahdol, Harda, Sheopur, Sidhi are some of densely forested districts. The forests of the state mostly lie in the southern and eastern belt; Sheopur and Panna being the notable exceptions. As per Champion & Seth Classification, the state has 18 forest types which belong to three forest type groups, viz. Tropical Moist Deciduous, Tropical Dry Deciduous and Tropical Thorn Forests. Percentage-wise distribution of forest cover in different forest type groups found in the state on the basis of the forest cover assessment is as below :-

  1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests:- 8.97%
  2. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests:-   88.65%
  3. Tropical Thorn Forests:-   0.26%

Forest Produce:-

Timber- Bamboo:-

Every year the state produces more than 2.5 lakh cubic meter of timber,  two lakh cubic meter of fuel wood and about 65 thousand notional tonnes of bamboo. The  ‘Teak’   ( Tectona grandis)   timber   of Madhya Pradesh is world famous for texture, colour and grain qualities. It is best suited for furniture making and house construction.

Tendu Leaf:-

The state produces about 25 lakh standard bags of tendu leaves  every year,  which is about 30% of the national production. The state has a monopoly over collection  and trade of  tendu leaves.  The collection of tendu  leaf provides EMPLOYMENT to about 15  lakh people during the hot summer season when employment   availability  in agriculture  is low. Tendu leaf collection operations  yield an income  of about Rs. 145 crore every year to the forest dwellers.

 Other Minor Forest Produce:-

The state has trade monopoly over sal seeds and kullu gum with an annual production of about 1200 tonnes and 300 tonnes respectively. The production  potential of Mahua and Aonla is 6000 tonnes and 5000 tonnes respectively. Besides being a pioneer in herbal production  and processing,  the State of Madhya Pradesh has also taken a lead in the utilization and value-addition of many other minor forest  produce.  Lac is one such produce,  which is becoming popular not only in India  but also in the International market.

Herbal Hub:-

Madhya Pradesh has been the main source of raw material to the processors of various herbs throughout the country whether based in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi or Kolkata. Needless to say that today huge demand of Indian herbal Industry is met out by the herbal collection centres of Madhya Pradesh situated at Shivpuri, Betul, Katni, Neemuch etc. These centres together meet about 40% demand of the country. The natural occurrence of most of the herbs blended with mass scale cultivation of many herbs has made Madhya Pradesh the herbal hub of the country. From being a raw material bowl of the herbal industr y, Madhya Pradesh is all set to become the main processing centre for several herbal products. Here are some Major Points:-

  • Of the 131 agro  climatic  zones of the country, 11 fall in Madhya  Pradesh. It is a natural  habitat for over 50% of the herbs used in the pharma industry.
  • Abundant availability of raw Herbs.
  • Abundant land available for cultivation of various Herbs.
  • Large scale cultivation of a number of species has already been started which can further     be increased to a mass scale, as there is plenty of fertile land available.
  • Cheap land available  for  Industrial Operations.
  • Well connected by rail, road and air.
  • Single window clearance system for Drug license.
  • Preferential allotment of land in Industrial areas/Growth centers.
  • Trained staff/manpower available.
  • Viable Herbal Processing Industries.


Major Medicinal Plants available in Madhya Pradesh:-

Acorus Calamus (Buch or Sweet Flag)

Aegle Marmelos (Bel)

Aloe Vera (Gwarpatha)

Andrographis Paniculata (Kalmegh)

Asperagus Racemosus (Satawar)

Azadiracta Indica (Neem)

Chlorophytum Borivilianum (Safed Musli)

Cymbopogom Martini (Lemon Grass)

Cymbopogon Flexuosus (Lemon Grass)

Cymbopogon Winterianus (Java Citronella)

Cyperus Rotundus (Nagarmotha)

Embelia Ribes (Baibidung)

Emblica Officinalis (Aonla)

Gymnema Sylvestre (Gudmar)

Jatropha Curcus (Ratanjot)

Ocimum Basilicum (Tulsi)

Phyllanthus Amarus (Bhui Amla)

Plantago Ovata (Isabgol)

Rauwolfia Serpentine (Sarpagandha)

Terminalia Arjuna (Arjun)

Terminalia Belerica (Baheda)

Terminalia Chebula (Harra)

Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy)

Vetiveria Zizanioides (Khus)

Withania Somnifera (Aswagandha)


Crops of Madhya Pradesh:-

Major crops of Madhya Pradesh that are cultivated in the region comprise of Paddy, Wheat, Maize and Jowar among Cereals, Gram, Tur, Urad and Moong among Pulses, while Soybean, Groundnut and Mustard among Oilseeds. The major crops grown in this state of Central India also includes commercial crops like Cotton and Sugarcane. These two significant Cash Crops are grown in a considerable area in few districts of Madhya Pradesh. Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture crops like Potato, Onion, Garlic, along with fruits like Papaya, Banana, Oranges, Mango and Grapes are also grown in the state of Madhya Pradesh. In some parts of the state medicinal crops and narcotic crops are also cultivated. Madhya Pradesh is primarily Kharif Crops growing state. Kharif crops occupy about 54.25 percent whereas Rabi Crops occupy about 45.75 percent area out of the total cropped area in the state. Near about 41 percent of the cropped area is generally occupied by cereal crops, while pulses occupy nearly 21 percent area and oilseed occupies about 27 percent of the total sown area. Vegetables, fruits, fodder and other horticultural crops occupy rest of around 11 percent land area. Wheat is the largest cultivated crop of Madhya Pradesh, followed by Paddy and Jowar.

The major crops of the state are categorised into three major types and these are Food Grains, Oilseeds and Cash Crops. Some of the major crops of Madhya Pradesh have been discussed below-


Wheat is considered as the major crop of the state in terms of area and production. Wheat occupies the highest area under Rabi crops. The wheat producing areas of Madhya Pradesh come under the wheat belt of the country, where about 75 cm to 127 cm rainfall occurs. Wheat is usually grown during October and November and harvested during February and March. The main wheat growing districts of the regions are Sehore district, Vidisha district, Raisen district, Shivpuri district, Gwalior, Ujjain, Hoshangabad district, Sagar district, Tikamgarh district, Satna district , and Indore district.


Paddy stands second after Wheat in terms of area coverage and production. Since this crop needs about 100 cm to 125 cm rainfall, it is grown only in the eastern part of Madhya Pradesh extensively. In other parts of the state, where Irrigation facilities are available, paddy is grown. Another significant crop grown in Madhya Pradesh is rice. In this state, there are many agricultural colleges, which are working towards the qualitative and quantitative development of rice. About 2.50 hectares land of the state is irrigated for the cultivation of these major crops. The irrigated area under rice is available in Balaghat district, Jabalpur district, Gwalior district, and Bhind district. In the eastern zone, Satna district, Rewa district, Sidhi district, Shahdol district, Dindori district and Mandla district, in the southern zone Balaghat district, Seoni district, in the central zone Jabalpur, Damoh district, and in the northern zone Bhind district, Morena district, Gwalior district and Shivpuri district are the major rice producing areas.


Jowar is an important crop of Madhya Pradesh. It is a crop basically grown in the dry regions. It is grown in both Rabi and Kharif seasons. It is the main crop of the western region of the state. Jowar is sown during the outbreak of monsoon in between June and July and harvested in September and October. The climatic conditions are favourable for growing Jowar crops in the western part of the state. The main Jowar growing districts are Mandsaur district, Ratlam district, Ujjain, Rajgarh district, Shajapur district, Dewas district, Indore district, Khargone, Khandwa district, Shivpuri, Morena, Gwalior, Guna District, Bhind district, etc.


Another important crop of Madhya Pradesh is Gram, which is a Rabi crop. Sown in the month of October, it is harvested in March. The Climate must be wet during the sowing period of Gram and during the harvesting period the climate should be dry. In Madhya Pradesh, different varieties of Gram are grown. The main gram producing areas in the state are Hoshangabad, Narsinghpur, Chhindwara district, Guna, Vidisha District, Ujjain, Mandsaur, Dhar district, Bhind, Morena, Shivpuri and Rewa district.


Groundnut is Kharif crop, which is used as oilseed. The production of groundnut in the state takes place in the Malwa plateau and low land of Narmada valley. The state ranks sixth in production of groundnut in India. The main groundnut growing districts are Mandsaur, Dhar, Ratlam, Khargone, Jhabua, Betul, Chhindwara, Ujjain, Rajgarh, and Shajapur.


Madhya Pradesh stands first in the production of Soyabean in India. The chief Soyabean producing districts are, Chhindwara, Seoni, Narsinghpur, Indore, Dhar, Ujjain, Ratlam, Shajapur, Guna, Bhopal, Hoshangabad, Jhabua, Vidisha, Mandsaur, Balaghat, Satna, Neemuch, Betul and Sheopur.


Cotton is the second largest cash crop after soyabean in Madhya Pradesh. The main cultivation areas of cotton are Khargone, Khandwa, Dhar, Indore, Ujjain, Dewas, Mandsaur, Ujjain, Shajapur, Ratlam, Sehore and Jhabua districts. The indigenous and American varieties, both are grown in the state. The Regur soilor Black soil of western region of Madhya Pradesh is favourable for the production of cotton.

Apart from the above mentioned, a range of other Crops are also cultivated in Madhya Pradesh that not only meet the local demand for Food Crops but also contributes to the national output.,

The vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is diverse, ranging from tropical forests to dry deciduous forests. The state is home to a number of national parks and sanctuaries, including Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, and Pench National Park.

Tropical forests

The tropical forests of Madhya Pradesh are found in the southern and eastern parts of the state. These forests are characterized by a high rainfall and a warm climate. The trees in these forests are tall and evergreen, and they provide a home to a variety of animals, including tigers, elephants, and monkeys.

Dry deciduous forests

The dry deciduous forests of Madhya Pradesh are found in the northern and western parts of the state. These forests are characterized by a lower rainfall and a cooler climate. The trees in these forests are deciduous, meaning that they lose their leaves during the dry season. These forests are home to a variety of animals, including leopards, deer, and wild boars.

National parks and sanctuaries

Madhya Pradesh is home to a number of national parks and sanctuaries, which are Protected Areas of land where wildlife can live and thrive. These protected areas are important for the conservation of the state’s Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity. Some of the most famous national parks and sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh include Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, and Pench National Park.

Flora and Fauna

The flora and fauna of Madhya Pradesh are diverse, reflecting the state’s varied climate and geography. The state’s forests are home to a variety of trees, including sal, teak, and bamboo. The forests are also home to a variety of animals, including tigers, elephants, leopards, deer, and monkeys. The state’s grasslands are home to a variety of birds, including peacocks, partridges, and quails. The state’s rivers and lakes are home to a variety of fish, including carp, catfish, and mahseer.


The Climate of Madhya Pradesh is tropical, with hot summers and mild winters. The Average temperature in the state ranges from 20 degrees Celsius in the winter to 40 degrees Celsius in the summer. The state receives an average rainfall of 1,000-1,500 mm per year.


The soil of Madhya Pradesh is mostly alluvial, meaning that it is made up of sand, silt, and clay. The soil is fertile and well-drained, making it ideal for agriculture.

Water Resources

Madhya Pradesh is home to a number of rivers, including the Narmada, the Chambal, and the Son. The state also has a number of lakes, including the Indira Sagar Lake and the Omkareshwar Lake. These Water Resources are important for irrigation, drinking water, and hydroelectric power generation.

Land use

About 40% of the land in Madhya Pradesh is used for agriculture. The state is also home to a number of industries, including mining, manufacturing, and power generation. The remaining land is used for forests, grasslands, and settlements.


Deforestation is a major problem in Madhya Pradesh. The state has lost about 20% of its forest cover in the past 50 years. Deforestation is caused by a number of factors, including logging, agriculture, and development. Deforestation has a number of negative impacts on the Environment, including soil erosion, Water Pollution, and Climate Change.

Conservation efforts

The government of Madhya Pradesh is taking a number of steps to conserve the state’s forests. These steps include planting trees, creating protected areas, and enforcing laws against deforestation. The government is also working to promote Sustainable Development, which is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is a valuable resource that provides a home to a variety of animals and plants. The state’s forests are also important for the environment, as they help to regulate the climate and prevent soil erosion. The government of Madhya Pradesh is taking a number of steps to conserve the state’s forests, and these efforts are essential to ensuring the long-term Health of the environment.

What is the vegetation of Madhya Pradesh?

The vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is diverse, with a variety of plant life found in different parts of the state. The northern part of the state is home to a dry deciduous forest, while the southern part is home to a tropical evergreen forest. In between, there are a variety of other types of forests, including mixed deciduous forests, moist deciduous forests, and thorn forests.

What are the different types of vegetation found in Madhya Pradesh?

The different types of vegetation found in Madhya Pradesh include:

  • Dry deciduous forest: This type of forest is found in the northern part of the state. It is characterized by a variety of trees, including sal, teak, and dhak.
  • Tropical evergreen forest: This type of forest is found in the southern part of the state. It is characterized by a variety of trees, including bamboo, ebony, and mahogany.
  • Mixed deciduous forest: This type of forest is found in the central part of the state. It is characterized by a variety of trees, including sal, teak, and dhak, as well as a variety of shrubs and herbs.
  • Moist deciduous forest: This type of forest is found in the eastern part of the state. It is characterized by a variety of trees, including sal, teak, and dhak, as well as a variety of shrubs and herbs.
  • Thorn forest: This type of forest is found in the western part of the state. It is characterized by a variety of thorny trees, including ber, babul, and khejri.

What are the benefits of the vegetation of Madhya Pradesh?

The vegetation of Madhya Pradesh provides a number of benefits, including:

  • It helps to regulate the climate.
  • It provides habitat for a variety of plants and animals.
  • It helps to prevent soil erosion.
  • It provides a source of food and medicine for humans.
  • It is a Source Of Income for many people through tourism and other activities.

What are the threats to the vegetation of Madhya Pradesh?

The vegetation of Madhya Pradesh is facing a number of threats, including:

  • Deforestation: This is the clearing of forests for agriculture, development, or other purposes.
  • Overgrazing: This is the grazing of Livestock on land that is not able to support them, which can lead to the destruction of vegetation.
  • Poaching: This is the illegal hunting of animals, which can lead to the extinction of species.
  • Climate change: This is the change in the Earth’s climate, which can lead to changes in the distribution of vegetation.

What can be done to protect the vegetation of Madhya Pradesh?

A number of things can be done to protect the vegetation of Madhya Pradesh, including:

  • Creating protected areas: This involves setting aside areas of land where vegetation is protected from development and other activities.
  • Raising awareness: This involves educating people about the importance of vegetation and the threats it faces.
  • Promoting sustainable practices: This involves encouraging people to use resources in a way that does not damage the environment.
  • Enforcing laws: This involves ensuring that laws that are designed to protect vegetation are being enforced.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of vegetation found in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Tropical dry deciduous forest
    (B) Tropical moist deciduous forest
    (C) Tropical evergreen forest
    (D) Temperate forest

  2. The largest type of vegetation found in Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Tropical dry deciduous forest
    (B) Tropical moist deciduous forest
    (C) Tropical evergreen forest
    (D) Temperate forest

  3. The state tree of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Sal
    (B) Teak
    (C) Bamboo
    (D) Neem

  4. The state flower of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Lotus
    (B) Champa
    (C) Gulmohar
    (D) Ketaki

  5. The state animal of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Tiger
    (B) Leopard
    (C) Elephant
    (D) Bison

  6. The state bird of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Peacock
    (B) Kingfisher
    (C) Hornbill
    (D) Sarus crane

  7. The state reptile of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Gharial
    (B) Crocodile
    (C) Turtle
    (D) Tortoise

  8. The state fish of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Rohu
    (B) Mrigal
    (C) Catla
    (D) Carp

  9. The state insect of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Honey bee
    (B) Silkworm
    (C) Dragonfly
    (D) Butterfly

  10. The state mineral of Madhya Pradesh is:
    (A) Coal
    (B) Iron Ore
    (C) Bauxite
    (D) Copper

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