Vegetation of Goa for Goa PSC

<<2/”>a >em>Vegetation of Goa

Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity of Goa

  • The term biodiversity is used to describe the huge variety of life on this planet.
  • An astonishing 1.8 million different species have been identified and named by tribals, peasants and scientists.
  • There are about 8,600 species of birds, 4,000 species of mammals and 32,000 species of flowering Plants because these organisms are relatively well studied.
  • However, there is still uncertainty about other organisms such as insects (where estimates vary from eight million to a hundred million), Fungi (where 70,000 have been identified but 1.6 million are thought to exist) and little-studied organisms such as bacteria, nematode worms and mites.
  • There are at least eight million species on our planet, and probably a lot more, so those who identify, name and classify organisms still have a lot of work to do.
  • One of the greatest challenges for the new millenium is to increase our knowledge of the organisms with which we share this planet.

Forest and Vegetation of Goa

  • The forests of Goa are typical of the Western Ghats (Southern Maharashtra and Karnataka).
  • There is diversity in the forests due to the variation in altitude, aspect, Soil characters, slope etc .
  1. Estuarine vegetation consisting of mangrove species along narrow muddy banks of rivers.
  2. Strand vegetation along the coastal belts
  3. Plateau vegetation confined especially to the low altitude
  4. Open scrub jungle
  5. Moist mixed deciduous forestsVegetation of Goa
  6. Secondary moist mixed deciduous forests
  7. Sub-tropical Hill forests
  8. Semi-evergreen and evergreen forest limited to patches along the high altitude
  9. Semi-evergreen forests
  10. Lateritic Semi-evergreen forests
  11. Evergreen forests

Estuarine Vegetation of Goa of MANGROVES along swampy river banks

  • This type occurs in isolated small patches along the banks of Mandovi and Zuari rivers and other salt water streams.
  • Botanically this zone is characterized by peculiar root formations (stilt roots of Rhizophora, pneumatophores in Avicennia, knee root in Bruguiera etc).
  • The mangroves are found in the division mainly at Durbhat, Panaji, Agassaim and Cortalim.
  • The above categories of vegetation occur from sea level to 100m.

Strand and creek Vegetation of Goa along the coastal belt: –

  • Most of the coastal regions of Goa are rocky with projecting ridges.
  • The strand vegetation is limited to a few patches of narrow strip bordering the Arabian Sea.
  • The vegetation along the south bank of the river Mandovi near Panaji belongs to this category.
  • Tree species mainly found here are Pongamia pinnata, Thespesia pupulnea, Calophyllum inophyllum, Cerbera manghas and Pandanus tectorius.
  • Many herbaceous species such as Neanotis rheedei, lphigenia Indica, Begonia crenata, Mitreola oldenlandioides, Habenaria grandifloriformis, Tricholepis glaberrima, Trichidesma sp. are found along rocky creeks and projecting ridges facing the coast.

Plateau Vegetation of Goa along undulating terrain and hills:

  • A major portion of the Vegetation of Goa belongs to this category, which is further divided into two types viz. (a) Open Scurb jungle and (b) Moist deciduous forests.
    1. Open scrub jungle :


  • This type of vegetation occurs from Panaji to Cortalim and from Bicholim to Sanquelim.
  • Anacardium occidentale is found on an extensive scale.
  • The Vegetation of Goais mainly composed of dry deciduous Elements such as Carissa congesta, Hollarrhena pubescens, Lantana camara, Calycopteris floribunda, Woodfordia fruticosa, Grewia abutilifolia, Vitex negundo and species of Calotropis, Ziziphus, Cassia, Ixora, Acacia, Albizia, Terminalia and Crotalaria.

 Vegetation of Goa

  1. Moist mixed deciduous forests : –


  • This is the main forest type, found in Goa, covering more than half of the forest areas.
  • In North Goa Division, this type occurs around Tudal.
  • Ordofind, Butpal, Molem, Codal, Abiche Gol near Valpoi, and Anmode ghat.
  • Predominant species are Terminalia crenulata, T. belerica, T. paniculata, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Adina cordifolia, Albizia lebbeck, A. procera, Mitragyna parvifolia, Holoptelia integrifolia, Trewia nudiflora, Dillenia pentagyna, Semicarpus anacardium, Mallotus philippensis and Stereospermum colais.


  1. Secondary moist mixed deciduous forests :-


  • Trees found in this type are knotty and of coppice origin.
  • A few trees of primary origin are found scattered.
  • Such type is found mainly in areas of Cumeri cultivation and in other areas affected by biotic interferences.
  • The main species found are Terminalia crenulata, T. chebula, Adina cordifolia, Alstonia scholaris, Lannea coromandelica, Bombax ceiba, Careya arborea and Dillenia pentagyna.


  1. Sub-tropical Hill forests : –


  • These forests have formed due to “Kumeri” cultivation in the past.
  • Syzygium cuminii and Cinnamomum verum are of common occurrence.
  • Caryota urens is the most common palm in this type of forest.
  • In the second storey, Carvia callosa (Strobilanthes callosus), Elaeagnus conferta and Capparis spp. are found.

Semi-evergreen and evergreen Vegetation of Goa along upper ghats:

  1. Semi-evergreen forests :-
  • This type occurs intermingling between tropical evergreen and moist deciduous forest mostly above 500 m.s.l. and is found at Ambochegol, Molem, Butpal and Nadquem region of Goa.
  • Species composition is of Artocarpus hirsutus, A. gomezianus, Calophyllum spp., Sterculia guttata, Kydia calycina, Lagerstroemia microcarpa, Pterospermum diversifolium, Garcinia indica, Diospyros Montana and Macranga peltata.


  1. Lateritic Semi-evergreen forests  :
  • This type of Forests is found on shallow dry lateritic soils.
  • Xylia xylocarpa is the important tree species with other associates like, Pterocarpus marsupium, Grewia tiliifolia, Terminalia paniculata, Schleichera oleosa, Careya arborea ,Bridelia retusa and Strychnos nux-vomica.


  1. Evergreen forests :-


  • This type occurs in deep gorges and depressions and also along the nallahs and streams in the Ponda-Amboli-Rambhat belt.
  • The main species are Calophyllum calaba, Garcinia gummi-gutta, Canarium strictum, Lophopetalum wightianum, Myristica spp.,Knema attenuata, Chroisophyllum acuminata, Palaquium ellipticum, Artocarpus gomezians, Diospyrus ebenum, Mangifera indica, Persea Macrantha, Mimusops elengi, Hopea ponga, Olea dioica, Hydnocarpus pentendra, Syzygium cumini, Holigarna arnotiana, Litsea coriacea, Carallia, brachiata, Mallotus philipprnsis, Ficus spp.etc.
  • Osmunda regilis, the royal fern, which is rare in the peninsular India, is also found in this type of forest


Goa is a state in western India with coastlines stretching along the Arabian Sea. Its tropical Climate and Arabian Sea coastline provide a unique Environment for its vegetation. The state is home to a variety of plant life, including mangroves, tropical forests, and grasslands.

Mangroves are found along the coast of Goa. They are a type of wetland forest that grows in saline water. Mangroves are important for the environment because they help to protect the coast from erosion and provide a habitat for many different animals.

Tropical forests are found in the interior of Goa. They are home to a variety of trees, including teak, mahogany, and rosewood. Tropical forests are important for the environment because they help to regulate the climate and provide a habitat for many different animals.

Grasslands are found in the northern part of Goa. They are home to a variety of Grasses, including elephant grass and Saccharum spontaneum. Grasslands are important for the environment because they help to prevent soil erosion and provide a habitat for many different animals.

The vegetation of Goa is under threat from human activities. Deforestation is a major problem in Goa. Trees are cut down for timber, firewood, and to make way for development. Deforestation leads to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and Climate Change.

Pollution is another major problem in Goa. Air Pollution is caused by vehicles, factories, and power plants. Water Pollution is caused by sewage, industrial waste, and agricultural runoff. Pollution can harm plants and animals and make the environment unhealthy for humans.

Climate change is also a threat to the vegetation of Goa. Climate change is causing the temperature to rise and the sea level to rise. This is leading to changes in the distribution of plant species. Some species are moving to higher elevations to escape the heat, while others are being lost due to rising sea levels.

The government of Goa is taking steps to conserve the vegetation of the state. The Forest Department has established a number of Protected Areas, including national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and conservation reserves. The government is also working to reduce deforestation and pollution.

The future of the vegetation of Goa depends on the actions of the government and the people of Goa. If we do not take steps to conserve the vegetation, it will be lost forever. We must all work together to protect the environment for future generations.

Here are some additional information about the vegetation of Goa:

  • The state has a total forest cover of 2,134 square kilometers, which is about 27% of its total area.
  • The main types of forests found in Goa are tropical evergreen forests, tropical deciduous forests, and mangrove forests.
  • The state is home to a variety of plant species, including over 1,000 species of trees and shrubs.
  • Some of the important trees found in Goa are teak, mahogany, rosewood, sandalwood, and bamboo.
  • The state is also home to a variety of animals, including tigers, leopards, elephants, deer, monkeys, and snakes.
  • The vegetation of Goa is under threat from a number of factors, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change.
  • The government of Goa is taking steps to conserve the vegetation of the state, but more needs to be done to protect this important resource.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about Goa:

  1. What is the capital of Goa?
    The capital of Goa is Panaji.

  2. What is the language spoken in Goa?
    The Official Language of Goa is Konkani, but English is also widely spoken.

  3. What is the religion of Goa?
    The majority of the Population of Goa is Hindu, but there are also significant Christian and Muslim minorities.

  4. What is the currency of Goa?
    The currency of Goa is the Indian rupee.

  5. What is the time zone of Goa?
    Goa is in the Indian Standard Time zone, which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  6. What is the climate of Goa?
    Goa has a tropical climate, with hot and humid summers and warm and dry winters.

  7. What are the major tourist attractions in Goa?
    Some of the major tourist attractions in Goa include the beaches of Baga, Calangute, and Anjuna, the churches of Old Goa, and the wildlife sanctuary of Bhagwan Mahavir National Park.

  8. What are some of the popular festivals in Goa?
    Some of the popular festivals in Goa include the Shigmo festival, the Goa Carnival, and the Feast of St. Francis Xavier.

  9. What are some of the popular dishes in Goa?
    Some of the popular dishes in Goa include vindaloo, xacuti, and sorpotel.

  10. What are some of the popular drinks in Goa?
    Some of the popular drinks in Goa include feni, toddy, and beer.

  11. What are some of the popular souvenirs from Goa?
    Some of the popular souvenirs from Goa include cashew nuts, kokum, and hand-woven clothes.

  12. What are some of the popular places to stay in Goa?
    Some of the popular places to stay in Goa include hotels, resorts, and villas.

  13. What are some of the popular things to do in Goa?
    Some of the popular things to do in Goa include swimming, sunbathing, water Sports, sightseeing, and shopping.

  14. What is the best time to visit Goa?
    The best time to visit Goa is during the winter months from November to March, when the weather is pleasant and there are fewer tourists.

  15. How do I get to Goa?
    You can get to Goa by air, train, or bus. The nearest airport to Goa is Dabolim Airport, which is located about 30 kilometers from Panaji. The nearest train station to Goa is Margao Railway Station, which is located about 35 kilometers from Panaji. The nearest bus station to Goa is Kadamba Bus Stand, which is located in Panaji.

  16. How much does it cost to travel to Goa?
    The cost of travel to Goa will vary depending on your mode of transportation, the time of year you travel, and the length of your stay. However, you can expect to spend around $100 per day on accommodation, food, and activities.

  17. Is Goa safe to visit?
    Goa is a safe place to visit, but it is important to be aware of the risks of petty theft and scams. You should also be careful when swimming in the ocean, as there are strong currents and rip tides.

  18. What are some of the scams to be aware of in Goa?
    Some of the scams to be aware of in Goa include taxi scams, tout scams, and fake currency scams. It is important to be aware of these scams and to be careful when dealing with strangers.

  19. What are some of the dos and don’ts in Goa?
    Some of the dos and don’ts in Goa include:

  20. Do dress modestly when visiting temples and religious sites.

  21. Do not drink tap water.
  22. Do not swim in the ocean at night.
  23. Do not bargain too aggressively.
  24. Do not take photos of people without their permission.
  25. Do not litter.
  26. Do respect the local culture and customs.

  27. What are some of the best places to eat in Goa?
    Some of the best places to eat in Goa include:

  28. Tito’s Lane: This is a popular street food market with a variety of stalls selling Indian and international cuisine.

  29. The Black Pig: This is a fine-dining restaurant serving modern European cuisine.
  30. The Kitchen: This is a casual restaurant serving Goan and Indian cuisine.
  31. Britto’s: This is a popular restaurant serving Goan seafood dishes.
  32. Baga Beach Shacks: There are a number of beach shacks along Baga Beach that serve a variety of food and drinks.

  33. What are some of

  1. The state of Goa is located in the western part of India. It is bordered by the state of Maharashtra to the north, the state of Karnataka to the east, and the Arabian Sea to the west. The capital of Goa is Panaji.
  2. Goa is a popular tourist destination, known for its beaches, temples, and churches. The state is also home to a number of wildlife sanctuaries, including the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mollem National Park.
  3. The vegetation of Goa is diverse, ranging from tropical rainforests to mangrove swamps. The state is home to a number of plant species, including the Goa fig, the Goa laurel, and the Goa tamarind.
  4. The climate of Goa is tropical, with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The Average temperature in Goa ranges from 25 degrees Celsius in winter to 35 degrees Celsius in summer.
  5. The population of Goa is approximately 1.5 million people. The majority of the population is Hindu, followed by Christians and Muslims. The official language of Goa is Konkani, but English is also widely spoken.
  6. The economy of Goa is based on tourism, agriculture, and fishing. The state is also home to a number of industries, including manufacturing, mining, and construction.
  7. Goa is a beautiful and diverse state with a rich history and culture. It is a popular tourist destination, and the state is also home to a number of wildlife sanctuaries. The climate of Goa is tropical, and the population is approximately 1.5 million people. The official language of Goa is Konkani, but English is also widely spoken. The economy of Goa is based on tourism, agriculture, and fishing. The state is also home to a number of industries, including manufacturing, mining, and construction.

Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Vegetation of Goa for Goa PSC:

  1. Which of the following is not a state bordering Goa?
    (A) Maharashtra
    (B) Karnataka
    (C) Kerala
    (D) Tamil Nadu

  2. The capital of Goa is:
    (A) Panaji
    (B) Margao
    (C) Vasco Da Gama
    (D) Mapusa

  3. Goa is a popular tourist destination, known for its:
    (A) Beaches
    (B) Temples
    (C) Churches
    (D) All of the above

  4. The state of Goa is home to a number of wildlife sanctuaries, including the:
    (A) Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary
    (B) Mollem National Park
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of the above

  5. The climate of Goa is:
    (A) Tropical
    (B) Temperate
    (C) Subtropical
    (D) None of the above

  6. The population of Goa is approximately:
    (A) 1 million
    (B) 1.5 million
    (C) 2 million
    (D) 2.5 million

  7. The official language of Goa is:
    (A) Konkani
    (B) Marathi
    (C) Kannada
    (D) Hindi

  8. English is also widely spoken in Goa. True or False?

  9. The economy of Goa is based on:
    (A) Tourism
    (B) Agriculture
    (C) Fishing
    (D) All of the above

  10. Goa is a beautiful and diverse state with a rich history and culture. True or False?

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