Vedic Maths

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Vedic maths: Square

Example : Find square of   12

Step 1

1010 is the nearest power of 1010 which can be taken as our base.

The deviation to our base =12−10=2=12−10=2 (To find the deviation, just remove the leftmost digit “11” and you will get it quickly).

Left side of the answer is the sum of the number and deviation. Hence, left side of the answer  = 12 + 2 = 14

Step 2

Our base 1010 has a single zero. Therefore, right side of the answer has a single digit and that can be obtained by taking the square of the deviation.

Hence, right side of the answer =22=4=22=4

Therefore, answer =144

Vedic maths: Square roots

Square root of any number means to get a number which is multiplied by itself gives the given number. In the conventional method of finding the square root, the divisor goes on becoming larger at each step. This increases the calculation time as well as the complexity of the problem. Here, we shall try to learn some speedy Vedic Methods of finding the square roots of perfect square numbers. Before proceeding for finding square roots, let us have a look into the known facts of squares and square roots.

The basic rules for extracting square roots are :

  • The given number is arranged in two-digit groups from right to left; and a single digit (if any) left over at the left and is counted as a group by itself.
  •  The number of digits in the square root will be the same as the number of twodigit groups in the given number including a single digit group (if any). Thus, 36 will count as one group, 169 as two groups and 1225 as two groups.
  • If the number contains n digits then the square root will contain n / 2 (when n is even) and n + 1 / 2 (when n is odd) digits. Thus, one or two digit number will have the square root of one digit, three and four digit number will have the square root of two digits, 5 and 6 digit number will have the square root of 3 digits and so on.

1² = 1, 2²=4 , 3²=9 , 4²=16 , 5²=25,   6²=36,   7²=49,   8²=64 ,  9²=81

This means :  

  • unit digit of the perfect square number is 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 or 0.  
  •  a perfect square number cannot end in 2, 3, 7 or 8.  
  •  the relation between the unit digit of a perfect square number and the unit digit of its square root is as follows :

Unit digit of the number               1       4           5       6            9                0

Unit digit of square root          1 or 9    2 or 8    5     4 or 6     3 or 7           0

  • If there are odd number of zeros at the end (on right side) of a number, then it will not be a perfect square.


Cube roots in vedic maths

Find Cube Root of 4913

Step 1

Identify the last three digits and make groups of three three digits from right side. i.e., 49134913 can be written as

4,     913

Step 2 

Take the last group which is 913.913. The last digit of 913913 is 3.3.

Remember point 2, If last digit of perfect cube=3,=3, last digit of cube root =7=7

Hence the right most digit of the cube root =7

Step 3

Take the next group which is 44

Find out which maximum cube we can subtract from 44 such that the result ≥0≥0

We can subtract  1 3 = 1  from  4  because  4 − 1 = 3  (If we subtract  2 3 = 8  from  4 ,   4 – 8 = − 4  which is  < 0 )

Hence the left neighbor digit of the answer  = 1 i.e., answer  = 17






Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics that is based on the ancient Vedic scriptures of India. It is a unique and powerful system of mathematics that can be used to solve problems quickly and easily. Vedic Mathematics is based on the principle of “sutras”, which are short, concise formulas that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. The sutras are derived from the Vedic scriptures, and they are said to be based on the laws of nature.

Vedic Mathematics is a very effective system of mathematics, and it has been used by students and professionals all over the world. It is a simple and easy-to-learn system, and it can be used to solve problems in a variety of fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, and business.

If you are interested in Learning more about Vedic Mathematics, there are many Resources available online and in libraries. You can also find many Vedic Mathematics courses and workshops offered by schools and organizations around the world.

Here are some of the benefits of learning Vedic Mathematics:

If you are looking for a powerful and effective system of mathematics, then Vedic Mathematics is the perfect choice for you. It is a simple and easy-to-learn system that can be used to solve problems in a variety of fields. With Vedic Mathematics, you can achieve success in your studies and career.

Here are some of the key concepts of Vedic Mathematics:

Vedic Mathematics is a powerful and effective system of mathematics that can be used to solve problems quickly and easily. It is a simple and easy-to-learn system, and it can be used to solve problems in a variety of fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, and business. If you are interested in learning more about Vedic Mathematics, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find many Vedic Mathematics courses and workshops offered by schools and organizations around the world.

What is Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics that is based on the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. It is a mental calculation system that is said to be faster and more accurate than traditional methods of mathematics.

What are the benefits of Vedic Mathematics?

There are many benefits to learning Vedic Mathematics. It can help you to:

How can I learn Vedic Mathematics?

There are many ways to learn Vedic Mathematics. You can take a class, read a book, or watch a video tutorial. There are also many online resources available.

What are some of the key concepts of Vedic Mathematics?

Some of the key concepts of Vedic Mathematics include:

What are some of the challenges of learning Vedic Mathematics?

One of the challenges of learning Vedic Mathematics is that it is a very different system from traditional mathematics. It can take some time to get used to the new concepts and techniques.

Another challenge is that there is no one standard curriculum for Vedic Mathematics. There are many different schools of thought, and each one has its own unique approach. This can make it difficult to find a teacher or resource that is right for you.

Is Vedic Mathematics effective?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claims that Vedic Mathematics is faster or more accurate than traditional methods of mathematics. However, many people who have learned Vedic Mathematics report that it has helped them to improve their mathematical skills.

Is Vedic Mathematics a scam?

Some people believe that Vedic Mathematics is a scam. They argue that it is nothing more than a collection of old, well-known mathematical tricks that have beenrepackaged and marketed as a new and revolutionary system.

Others believe that Vedic Mathematics is a legitimate system of mathematics that can be beneficial for students of all ages. They argue that it can help students to develop their problem-solving skills and improve their understanding of mathematics.

Ultimately, whether or not Vedic Mathematics is a scam is up to you to decide. If you are interested in learning more about it, I recommend doing your own research and talking to people who have experience with it.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Vedic Maths:

  1. What is the sum of the first 100 natural numbers?
    (A) 5050
    (B) 5051
    (C) 5052
    (D) 5053

  2. What is the product of the first 100 natural numbers?
    (A) 3628800
    (B) 3628801
    (C) 3628802
    (D) 3628803

  3. What is the square of 100?
    (A) 10000
    (B) 10001
    (C) 10002
    (D) 10003

  4. What is the cube of 100?
    (A) 100000
    (B) 100001
    (C) 100002
    (D) 100003

  5. What is the square root of 100?
    (A) 10
    (B) 10.01
    (C) 10.02
    (D) 10.03

  6. What is the cube root of 100?
    (A) 10
    (B) 10.01
    (C) 10.02
    (D) 10.03

  7. What is the fifth root of 100?
    (A) 2.23606797749979
    (B) 2.23606797750000
    (C) 2.23606797750020
    (D) 2.23606797750040

  8. What is the 10th root of 100?
    (A) 3.16227766016838
    (B) 3.16227766016840
    (C) 3.16227766016842
    (D) 3.16227766016844

  9. What is the 100th root of 100?
    (A) 1.00000000000000
    (B) 1.00000000000001
    (C) 1.00000000000002
    (D) 1.00000000000003

  10. What is the 1000th root of 100?
    (A) 0.10000000000000
    (B) 0.10000000000001
    (C) 0.10000000000002
    (D) 0.10000000000003

I hope these MCQs are helpful!

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