Utilization Of Public Fund (1)

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Utilization of public fund

Intergovernmental transfers from the centre to the states takes place through three channels: statutory and other transfers mandated by the Finance Commission, formula-based transfers for State Plan Schemes through the Planning Commission, and other discretionary transfers by the Planning Commission/ various central Ministries. The entire tax sharing is a part of the Finance Commission transfers. In the rest of the transfers constituting of grants alone, grants other than those for State Plans now constitutes 69 percent.

These are generally not formula determined and for the bulk of the amount, are often conditional upon various actions at the state level including putting up the matching amounts. Thus, while the block grants (for State Plan and other block grants) by definition are unconditional transfers and therefore the issue of their utilisation is not a major concern, for the other grants the actual utilisation can be different from the allocations made; if the gap is large, then it can be a cause for concern.

In terms of facilitating utilisation, a grantor agency has limited tools in its hands. These include, inter alia, the design of the scheme (to eliminate disincentives for utilisation), the actual transfer mechanism, and the timing. In terms of design, when one is considering conditional transfers which all the schemes under examination are, it is almost tautological to observe that the more conditions there are, and the more difficult they are to meet, the less would be the utilisation. For example, a specificpurpose transfer without any matching requirement is likely to be utilised to a higher extent than one with such a requirement. Similarly, the transfer mechanism can also influence utilisation; in times of resource constraints, grants on a reimbursable basis have less chance of high utilisation than those provided at least partly on advance basis. The importance of timing of transfers hardly needs an explanation: it is sufficient to state that grants received at the fag end of the year have little chance of getting spent usefully within that year. In the selected special category states that this report separately covers, there is also a seasonal dimension to the issue of timing. All the special category states in India have the problem of extreme weather; in the northeastern states it is the monsoon season that is characterised by heavy rainfall and in the states of Jammu & Kashmir (excluding the relatively lower areas of Jammu), Sikkim and northern parts of Arunachal Pradesh, it is the winter with heavy snowfall. During these months of extreme weather, developmental work is substantially hampered, and funds received cannot be gainfully employed.

Factors constraining utilization of public fund

Under-utilization of Plan outlays by the States can be attributed to the institutional and procedural bottlenecks in the process of implementation of Plan schemes and deficiencies in the planning process being followed at the district level. These factors listed below need to be addressed in order to strengthen States’ ability to better utilize higher magnitudes of allocations for the social sectors :

  • The deficiencies in Decentralized planning being carried out in the schemes, resulting due to insufficient staff for undertaking planning activities, inadequate attention to their capacity building and minimal role for community participation in the planning process.
  • Bottlenecks in budgetary processes in the schemes, such as delay in the flow of funds, in releasing sanction orders for spending, decision-making in the States being centralized, insufficient delegation of financial powers to the district/ sub-district level authorities and uniform norms of Centrally Sponsored Schemes for all States. Further, lack of need based BUDGETING in the schemes, which is often carried out without proper analysis of unit costs on the ground, implied allocations for some of the schemes being decided in a top-down and unrealistic manner.
  • Systemic weaknesses, manifested as shortage of trained, regular staff for various important roles like programme management, finance/accounts and frontline service provision; this contributed to weaken the capacities of the government apparatus in the States for implementation of Plan schemes.
  • Regarding the systemic weaknesses in the government apparatus in the States, it can be argued that Non-Plan expenditure by the State plays an important role in improving the overall capacity of the government apparatus. It affects the capacity of the State Government apparatus in terms of the availability of regular qualified staff and adequacy of government Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for implementing Plan schemes. However, over the past decade, Non-Plan expenditure in social sectors has been checked by many States due to the emphasis of the prevailing Fiscal Policy on the reduction of deficits through the curtailment of public expenditure. Consequently, the capacity of the government apparatus to implement Plan programmes/schemes has been constrained.

Policy measures for improving fund utilization capacity

An assessment of functioning of different Plan schemes shows that efficient utilization of the available funds in the Central schemes is a concern and there is scope for improving the effectiveness of these schemes by way of revisiting some critical factors like the design of scheme, flow of funds etc. The institutional and procedural bottlenecks in planning, fund flow and fund utilization processes need to be removed through concerted efforts by both the Centre and the States. The restructuring of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) as being carried out now by the Union Government for the current Five Year Plan by following the roadmap suggested for this purpose by the B. K. Chaturvedi Committee can help take care of some of the deficiencies related to planning and budgetary processes. This includes bringing down the total number of CSS significantly, transferring some of the schemes to States, and doing away with the practice of Central funds being routed outside the State Budgets and State Treasury system. Moreover, there is also a need for imparting a lot of flexibility to the States vis-à-vis the norms, guidelines and unit costs in the Central schemes.

However, the underperformance regarding fund utilization in the Central schemes is also rooted in the fact that some aspects of the fiscal policy being followed over the last decade have resulted in systemic weaknesses in the government apparatus in social sectors across many States. The country’s fiscal policy needs to shift its focus in order to enable the State Governments to increase Non-Plan spending in the social sectors along with Plan spending on the same so that the problem of shortage of staff could be addressed effectively.


The utilization of public funds is a complex and multifaceted issue. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from budgeting and accounting to procurement and financial management. It also involves a variety of stakeholders, including government officials, citizens, and businesses.

The effective utilization of public funds is essential to the success of any government. When public funds are used wisely, they can help to improve the lives of citizens, promote economic Growth, and protect the Environment. However, when public funds are misused, they can lead to Corruption, waste, and inefficiency.

There are a number of challenges to the effective utilization of public funds. One challenge is the lack of Transparency and Accountability. In many countries, there is little public information about how public funds are being spent. This makes it difficult to track the use of funds and to hold officials accountable for their actions.

Another challenge is corruption. Corruption can take many forms, such as bribery, extortion, and Nepotism. It can lead to the misuse of public funds, the misallocation of Resources, and the erosion of public trust in government.

A third challenge is waste. Waste can occur when public funds are spent on unnecessary or ineffective programs. It can also occur when public funds are not managed properly.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of things that can be done to improve the utilization of public funds. One important step is to increase transparency and accountability. This can be done by publishing information about how public funds are being spent and by making it easier for citizens to access this information.

Another important step is to fight corruption. This can be done by strengthening anti-corruption laws and by increasing the resources available to law enforcement agencies.

Finally, it is important to improve the management of public funds. This can be done by developing Sound financial management systems and by training public officials on how to use these systems effectively.

By taking these steps, governments can improve the utilization of public funds and make a positive difference in the lives of their citizens.

In addition to the challenges mentioned above, there are a number of other factors that can affect the utilization of public funds. These include:

It is important to consider all of these factors when trying to understand the utilization of public funds. By doing so, it is possible to develop more effective strategies for improving the use of public resources.

The following are some examples of how public funds can be utilized effectively:

These are just a few examples of how public funds can be utilized effectively. By investing in education, healthcare, infrastructure, social welfare, and environmental protection, governments can help to improve the lives of their citizens and to promote economic growth.

Topic 1: What is the purpose of public funds?

Public funds are Money that is collected by the government from taxes and other sources. They are used to provide essential services to the public, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

Topic 2: How are public funds allocated?

Public funds are allocated by the government through a process of budgeting. The budget is a plan for how the government will spend its money in the coming year. It is prepared by the Ministry of Finance and approved by the Parliament.

Topic 3: Who is responsible for overseeing the use of public funds?

The Auditor-General is responsible for overseeing the use of public funds. The Auditor-General is an independent officer who reports to Parliament on the government’s financial performance.

Topic 4: What are the challenges in utilizing public funds effectively?

There are a number of challenges in utilizing public funds effectively. These include:

Topic 5: What are some best practices for utilizing public funds effectively?

Some best practices for utilizing public funds effectively include:

Topic 6: What are some examples of good use of public funds?

Some examples of good use of public funds include:

Topic 7: What are some examples of bad use of public funds?

Some examples of bad use of public funds include:

Topic 8: What can be done to improve the utilization of public funds?

There are a number of things that can be done to improve the utilization of public funds. These include:

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the topics of PUBLIC FINANCE, government spending, and Taxation:

  1. Which of the following is not a function of government?
    (A) Providing public goods and services
    (B) Regulating the economy
    (C) Collecting taxes
    (D) Investing in infrastructure

  2. Which of the following is the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government?
    (A) Individual income taxes
    (B) Corporate income taxes
    (C) Social Security taxes
    (D) Excise taxes

  3. Which of the following is the largest expenditure for the U.S. government?
    (A) Social Security
    (B) Medicare
    (C) Medicaid
    (D) Defense

  4. Which of the following is a progressive tax?
    (A) A flat tax
    (B) A proportional tax
    (C) A regressive tax

  5. Which of the following is a benefit tax?
    (A) A sales tax
    (B) A property tax
    (C) A gasoline tax
    (D) A Social Security tax

  6. Which of the following is a user fee?
    (A) A toll road fee
    (B) A parking meter fee
    (C) A hunting license fee
    (D) A fishing license fee

  7. Which of the following is a sin tax?
    (A) A cigarette tax
    (B) A liquor tax
    (C) A gasoline tax
    (D) A sales tax

  8. Which of the following is a payroll tax?
    (A) A Social Security tax
    (B) A Medicare tax
    (C) A Medicaid tax
    (D) A federal unemployment tax

  9. Which of the following is a value-added tax (VAT)?
    (A) A tax on the value added to a product at each stage of production
    (B) A tax on the sale of a product
    (C) A tax on the income of individuals and businesses
    (D) A tax on the wealth of individuals and businesses

  10. Which of the following is a consumption tax?
    (A) A sales tax
    (B) A property tax
    (C) A gasoline tax
    (D) A Social Security tax

I hope these questions were helpful!

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