URI Full Form

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>h2>Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

What is a URI?

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that identifies a resource on the Internet. It acts as a unique address for accessing information, data, or Services online. URIs are the foundation of the World Wide Web, enabling users to locate and interact with Resources across the internet.

Types of URIs

There are two main types of URIs:

  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A URL is a specific type of URI that provides the complete address for accessing a resource. It includes the protocol, hostname, path, and sometimes query parameters. For example: https://www.example.com/page.html?id=123
  • Uniform Resource Name (URN): A URN is a URI that identifies a resource based on its name, regardless of its location. It is primarily used for persistent identification and does not necessarily provide access to the resource. For example: urn:isbn:0-123-45678-9

Components of a URI

A URI typically consists of the following components:

Component Description Example
Scheme The protocol used to access the resource. https, ftp, mailto
Authority The hostname and port number of the server hosting the resource. www.example.com:8080
Path The hierarchical path to the resource on the server. /folder/file.txt
Query Optional parameters used to filter or modify the resource. ?id=123&name=John
Fragment Optional identifier for a specific part of the resource. #section1

URI Syntax

The syntax of a URI is defined by the RFC 3986 standard. It specifies the allowed characters, reserved characters, and the structure of the URI components.

Allowed Characters:

  • Unreserved characters: A-Za-z0-9-._~
  • Reserved characters: ! * ' ( ) : @ & = + $ , # [ ] { } | \^ ~ ? / %

Reserved characters have special meanings within the URI and must be encoded using percent-encoding.


Percent-encoding replaces reserved characters with their hexadecimal representation preceded by a percent sign (%). For example, the space character () is encoded as %20.

URI Examples

URI Type Description
https://www.example.com/ URL Access the homepage of the website www.example.com using HTTPS protocol.
ftp://ftp.example.com/file.txt URL Download the file file.txt from the FTP server ftp.example.com.
mailto:john.doe@example.com URL Send an email to the address john.doe@example.com.
urn:isbn:0-123-45678-9 URN Identify a book with the ISBN 0-123-45678-9.

URI Resolution

URI resolution is the process of converting a URI into a resource. This involves:

  1. Scheme-specific processing: The scheme determines how the URI is interpreted and processed. For example, the https scheme uses the HTTP protocol to access the resource.
  2. Authority resolution: The hostname is resolved to an IP address using the Domain Name System (DNS).
  3. Path resolution: The path is used to locate the resource on the server.
  4. Query processing: The query parameters are used to filter or modify the resource.
  5. Fragment resolution: The fragment identifier is used to locate a specific part of the resource.

URI Advantages

  • Uniqueness: URIs provide a unique identifier for each resource, enabling easy access and retrieval.
  • Interoperability: URIs are standardized, allowing different systems and applications to interact with each other.
  • Scalability: URIs can be used to identify a wide range of resources, from simple files to complex databases.
  • Flexibility: URIs can be used in various contexts, including web pages, emails, and APIs.

URI Limitations

  • Security: URIs can be used to access sensitive information, making them vulnerable to security threats.
  • Complexity: The syntax and resolution process of URIs can be complex, requiring specialized knowledge.
  • Ambiguity: In some cases, URIs can be ambiguous, leading to unexpected results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the difference between a URL and a URI?

A: A URL is a specific type of URI that provides the complete address for accessing a resource. All URLs are URIs, but not all URIs are URLs.

Q: How do I encode a URI?

A: You can use percent-encoding to encode reserved characters in a URI. For example, the space character () is encoded as %20.

Q: What are some common URI schemes?

A: Some common URI schemes include https, ftp, mailto, tel, sms, and urn.

Q: How do I create a URI for my website?

A: You can create a URI for your website by using the https scheme followed by your domain name and path. For example, https://www.example.com/.

Q: What are some best practices for using URIs?

A: Some best practices for using URIs include:

  • Use descriptive and meaningful URIs.
  • Avoid using reserved characters in URIs.
  • Use percent-encoding to encode reserved characters.
  • Use a consistent URI structure throughout your website.

Q: What are some tools for working with URIs?

A: There are many tools available for working with URIs, including:

  • URI encoders/decoders: These tools can be used to encode and decode URIs.
  • URI validators: These tools can be used to check the validity of a URI.
  • URI analyzers: These tools can be used to analyze the components of a URI.

Q: What is the future of URIs?

A: URIs are expected to continue to play a vital role in the internet, as they provide a standardized way to identify and access resources. As the internet evolves, new URI schemes and features may be developed to meet the needs of emerging technologies.

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