Transport Of Water And Minerals In Plants And Animals

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Transport of water in Plants

The survival of plants is dependent on a number of factors which include water, Minerals, gases, and nutrients they receive. The movement of gas, water, and nutrients in plants are carried out in components. They take in carbon dioxide from the air through the stomata present in their leaves and they absorb compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., from the Soil by their roots. If the distance to be traversed is relatively small, diffusion process occurs. As the distances increases in tall trees, a well-developed transportation system arises as these movements of substances have to be facilitated with extreme care.

The amount of energy required by plants is lower compared to that of animals, hence there is a requirement of slower transportation. In plants, a tube-like passage made up of vascular Tissues called xylem and phloem are two modes of transportation. Water and minerals travel upwards through the xylem, while phloem transport synthesized food to other parts of the plant. The movement of water and other nutrients from one part of a plant to another is called translocation. Water gets absorbed by osmosis while minerals by active transport. The method used in the upward movement of water through the xylem is determined by the cohesion-tension theory. Here the driving force of transport is Transpiration. In this process, cohesion is responsible for driving more water through the xylem and excess water Molecules are pulled up by the pulling force which later evaporates through the tiny pores of stomata.

Transport of minerals in plants

Like water, minerals are also necessary for plants to survive. About 16 minerals are necessary for plants. These minerals are present in soil in the form of inorganic salts such as nitrates and phosphates. In soil, these minerals get dissolved in water and are absorbed by roots along with water. From roots, the minerals are transported to various parts of a plant along with water by xylem vessels by same procedure as described earlier.

Thus, in plants both water and minerals are transported from roots to upper parts (stems, leaves, flowers and fruits) by xylem vessels.

Transport of water in animals

A healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate Climate should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day . This level of water intake balances water loss and helps keeping the body properly hydrated.  The water you consume through food and drinks follows a very precise route to arrive in your cells, of which it is a vital constituent.  

After passing through the stomach, water enters the small intestine, where it is largely absorbed in the first sections, the duodenum and jejunum. The rest passes into the colon. It crosses the intestinal mucous membrane into the bloodstream, then into the interstitial tissues that make up the framework of every organ, to arrive in the cells.

Blood brings nutritional Elements to cells (minerals, VITAMINS, protein components, lipids and Carbohydrates). Waste products are then removes through urines. Water plays also an essential function in helping the regulation of temperature.

Transport of minerals and other nutrients in animals

In all leaving beings the nutrients and gases are transported to and from all parts of the body. This is essential to carry on various life processes. In case of unicellular and small multicellular organisms transport takes place by diffusion. However, in large multicellular organisms, as the distances between different body parts have increased, they need an elaborate and efficient system for transportation of materials. In large animals, such a system is called Circulatory System in which a fluid circulates in all parts of the body. In many invertebrates this fluid is the haemolymph, where as in all vertebrates and in some higher invertebrates this fluid is the blood.

Open Circulatory System

Many invertebrates e.g. arthropods have open circulatory system.In this system the blood is pumped from the heart into the blood vessel. The blood vessels in turn, empty themselves into open spaces called sinuses. In the sinuses, the blood is in direct contact with the tissues, and after exchange of materials with the tissues it re-enters the heart for circulation again.

Closed Circulatory System

Closed circulatory system is more elaborate, complicated and efficient as compared to the open circulatory system. The closed circulatory system consists of a muscular, and contractile pumping organ, the heart with its incoming (veins) and outgoing (arteries) blood vessels. The blood remains confined in the blood vessels while circulating in the whole body e.g. earthworm, man etc.

In closed circulatory system, the heart pumps blood into the blood vessels (arteries) which take away the blood from the heart to the tissue. In the tissues, the arteries divide and subdivide into very fine branches, called the capillaries. The walls of capillaries are just one cells thick, and in them the blood is in close contact with the tissue cells. Exchange of materials with tissues is carried out here.

The capillaries join and form bigger blood vessels called venules. These venules in turn join to from the veins, which ultimately transport blood back to the heart.

General Plan Of Circulatory System Of Vertebrates

In vertebrates, the circulatory system is always of closed type. The closed circulatory system is further of two types, (a) single circuit circulation, (b) double circuit circulation.

For instance in fishes the circulation is of single type. In it, only the deoxygenated blood circulates through the heart. The deoxygenated or the venous blood from all tissues of the body enters the sinus venous, from where it passes into the single auricle or atrium. From the atrium it goes in the ventricle.

From the ventricle, the blood is pumped into the gills for oxygenation. The oxygenated blood from the gills is directly distributed to all parts of the body. As the blood circulates once through the heart, therefore, this type of circulation id called single circuit circulation.

In land vertebrates, with the introduction of lung Respiration, double-circuit circulation evolved.

The evolution of double circuit circulation led to the division of atrium and ventricle, each into two chambers.  The atrium divided into right and left atria (plural of atrium) and likewise the ventricle also divided into two chambers. In amphibians, the ventricle is not divided and in most reptiles, the division of the ventricle is incomplete. In some reptiles and in all birds and mammals, the division of the ventricle is complete. So in these animals, oxygenated and deoxygenated bloods are completely separated from each other and there is no mixing of these two types of blood. This increases the efficiency of the circulatory System in vertebrates is highly developed and among them mammals have the most efficient circulatory system.


Transport of Water and Minerals in Plants

Plants need water and minerals to survive. Water is used for Photosynthesis, the process by which plants make food. Minerals are used for a variety of purposes, including building plant structures and regulating plant Growth.

Water and minerals are transported from the roots to the leaves through a system of tubes called the xylem. The xylem is made up of dead cells that have been hollowed out. The water and minerals move up the xylem by a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the Evaporation of water from the leaves. As the water evaporates, it creates a suction force that pulls water up the xylem.

In addition to transpiration, root pressure and capillary action also help to transport water and minerals up the xylem. Root pressure is the pressure that is created by the roots as they absorb water from the soil. Capillary action is the ability of water to move up thin tubes against the force of gravity.

Water and minerals are also transported from the leaves to other parts of the plant through a system of tubes called the phloem. The phloem is made up of living cells that are connected to each other by plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata are tiny channels that allow for the movement of water, minerals, and other substances between cells.

The phloem transports food from the leaves to other parts of the plant. The food is made in the leaves during photosynthesis. It is then transported to the roots, stems, and other parts of the plant where it is used for growth and development.

Transport of Water and Minerals in Animals

Animals need water and minerals to survive. Water is used for a variety of purposes, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste products. Minerals are used for a variety of purposes, including building bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions, and transmitting nerve impulses.

Water and minerals are transported in animals by a variety of mechanisms. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Osmosis is the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules against a concentration gradient, using energy from ATP. Bulk transport is the movement of large molecules or particles through the body by a physical process, such as ciliary movement or peristalsis.

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. Blood is a fluid that contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells carry Oxygen to the tissues. White blood cells fight infection. Platelets help to form blood clots.

The lymphatic system is a Network of vessels that helps to remove excess fluid and waste products from the body. The lymphatic system also helps to fight infection.

The circulatory system and the lymphatic system work together to transport water and minerals throughout the body.

Transport of Water and Minerals in Plants

  • What is the process of transport of water and minerals in plants?

The process of transport of water and minerals in plants is called transpiration. Transpiration is the movement of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves through the xylem.

  • What are the three main parts of the plant transport system?

The three main parts of the plant transport system are the roots, the xylem, and the phloem.

  • What are the functions of the roots?

The functions of the roots are to absorb water and minerals from the soil, anchor the plant in the ground, and store food.

  • What are the functions of the xylem?

The functions of the xylem are to transport water and minerals from the roots to the leaves.

  • What are the functions of the phloem?

The functions of the phloem are to transport food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

  • What is the difference between transpiration and guttation?

Transpiration is the loss of water vapor from the leaves of plants. Guttation is the loss of water droplets from the tips of leaves.

  • What are the factors that affect transpiration?

The factors that affect transpiration are the amount of sunlight, the temperature, and the humidity.

  • What are the benefits of transpiration?

The benefits of transpiration are that it helps to cool the plant, it helps to transport nutrients, and it helps to distribute water evenly throughout the plant.

  • What are the risks of transpiration?

The risks of transpiration are that it can lead to water loss, it can lead to wilting, and it can lead to death.

Transport of Water and Minerals in Animals

  • What is the process of transport of water and minerals in animals?

The process of transport of water and minerals in animals is called circulation. Circulation is the movement of blood through the body.

  • What are the three main parts of the animal transport system?

The three main parts of the animal transport system are the heart, the blood vessels, and the blood.

  • What are the functions of the heart?

The functions of the heart are to pump blood throughout the body.

  • What are the functions of the blood vessels?

The functions of the blood vessels are to carry blood to and from the heart.

  • What are the functions of the blood?

The functions of the blood are to transport oxygen, nutrients, and HORMONES throughout the body.

  • What is the difference between arteries and veins?

Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.

  • What is the difference between capillaries and lymphatic vessels?

Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins. Lymphatic vessels are vessels that carry lymph, a fluid that contains white blood cells, throughout the body.

  • What are the factors that affect circulation?

The factors that affect circulation are the heart rate, the blood pressure, and the blood volume.

  • What are the benefits of circulation?

The benefits of circulation are that it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, it removes waste products from the tissues, and it helps to regulate body temperature.

  • What are the risks of circulation?

The risks of circulation are that it can lead to heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the transport of water and minerals in plants and animals:

  1. Which of the following is not a way that water and minerals are transported in plants?
    (a) Diffusion
    (b) Osmosis
    (c) Active transport
    (d) Transpiration

  2. Which of the following is not a way that water and minerals are transported in animals?
    (a) Diffusion
    (b) Osmosis
    (c) Active transport
    (d) Excretion

  3. Which of the following is the main way that water and minerals are transported in plants?
    (a) Diffusion
    (b) Osmosis
    (c) Active transport
    (d) Transpiration

  4. Which of the following is the main way that water and minerals are transported in animals?
    (a) Diffusion
    (b) Osmosis
    (c) Active transport
    (d) Excretion

  5. Which of the following is the main difference between the transport of water and minerals in plants and animals?
    (a) Plants use diffusion, while animals use active transport.
    (b) Plants use osmosis, while animals use active transport.
    (c) Plants use transpiration, while animals use excretion.
    (d) Plants use a combination of diffusion, osmosis, and active transport, while animals use only active transport.

  6. Which of the following is the main function of the vascular system in plants?
    (a) To transport water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
    (b) To transport food from the leaves to the rest of the plant
    (c) To support the plant and give it shape
    (d) To protect the plant from pests and diseases

  7. Which of the following is the main function of the circulatory system in animals?
    (a) To transport water and minerals from the intestines to the cells
    (b) To transport food from the intestines to the cells
    (c) To transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells
    (d) To transport carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs

  8. Which of the following is the main difference between the vascular system in plants and the circulatory system in animals?
    (a) The vascular system in plants is open, while the circulatory system in animals is closed.
    (b) The vascular system in plants is made up of xylem and phloem, while the circulatory system in animals is made up of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
    (c) The vascular system in plants transports water and minerals, while the circulatory system in animals transports blood.
    (d) The vascular system in plants is a network of tubes, while the circulatory system in animals is a network of pumps.

  9. Which of the following is the main function of the kidneys in animals?
    (a) To filter the blood and remove waste products
    (b) To produce urine
    (c) To regulate blood pressure
    (d) To produce hormones

  10. Which of the following is the main function of the lungs in animals?
    (a) To take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide
    (b) To regulate blood pressure
    (c) To produce hormones
    (d) To protect the body from infection

I hope these questions were helpful!

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